Actor Vladimir Korenev is famous thanks toshooting in the movie "Amphibian Man." However, in his creative piggy bank, there are many other interesting roles. We will tell about them in the article. Also you will learn the details of the biography and personal life of the artist. We wish you pleasant reading!
Vladimir was born on June 20, 1940 in the city of the heroSevastopol. Vladimir's father was a serviceman. Therefore, the family often had to move from place to place. The childhood of the future cinema star was held in Izmail (Ukraine, Odessa region). There they gave the boy to the first class. Neither the behavior, nor the progress of the guy has never caused censures from the teachers.
Soon the Korenevs moved to the capital of Estonia -Tallinn. Vladimir was a teenager. At that time he was seriously taken by theater and literature. The weekend guy sat around reading books. His classmate Larisa Luzhina (now a famous actress) invited Vova to a drama circle, open at the Russian Drama Theater. Korenev, Jr. liked everything that was happening on stage. He enrolled in this group and did not miss a single lesson. Acting skills along with him trained such famous personalities as Lilian Malkina, Igor Yasulovich and Vitaly Konyaev.
Actor Vladimir Korenev, whose biography we are considering, graduated from high school in 1957. Then he decided to go to Moscow. His parents helped him to collect his suitcases and buy a ticket.
Confident and purposeful guybegan to realize his long-standing dream - to become a famous actor. For this he submitted documents to GITIS. The competition was great - a few people per seat. However, a talented guy who came from Tallinn managed to get a reception committee. He was enrolled in the course of G. Konsky and O. Androvskaya. They, in turn, were pupils of the legendary directors - Nemirovich-Danchenko and Stanislavsky.
Already on the fourth course, actor Vladimir Korenevreceived a job offer. He was invited to the troupe of the Moscow Drama Theater. Stanislavsky. Volodya could not miss this chance. Khudruk Mikhail Yanshin immediately engaged the young actor in several productions. In his account roles in such performances as "Cuba", "Farewell in June", "Dog Heart" and so on.
When did Vladimir Korenev first appear on the screens? Biography indicates that this happened in 1958. Our hero performed an episodic role in the film "Life went by."
Almost 3 years the young actor did not act in film.He did not receive any proposals for cooperation from the directors. In 1961 he managed not only to return to the cinema, but to gain all-Union fame. It happened after the release of the picture "Amphibian Man". Actors (Vladimir Korenev, Mikhail Kozakov, Nikolai Simonov) brilliantly coped with the tasks set by the director. Shooting was conducted not only on land, but also deep under water.
Actor Vladimir Korenev played the main role - Ichthyander. A tall brunette with blue eyes won the hearts of thousands of spectators. In the 1960s, our hero was even considered a sex symbol of the USSR.
After the success of the "Amphibian Man" proposals forcooperation fell on Vladimir Korenev, as if from a cornucopia. However, for large fees, he never chased. The actor carefully studied the scenarios and took only for what he liked.
To date, in the creative box of V. Korenev over 45 roles in films of different genres. It is not possible to list them all. Therefore, let's highlight his most vivid and successful work:
Our hero was never a ladies' man and womanizer.A tall brunette with an expressive look liked girls. But he did not hurry to build serious relations. Vladimir wanted to soon meet a single and unique girl. And one day God heard his prayers.
In the walls of GITIS Korenev met hisfuture wife Alla Konstantinova. The girl at first sight liked Vladimir. But he did not make a special impression on her. In the eyes of Alla, our hero was just a handsome young man with high self-esteem. Korenev had to work hard to make the girl look at him in a new way. He managed to melt her heart.
In 1961, Alla and Vladimir formally formalized relations. There was no wedding as such. After the painting in the registry office, the newlyweds went on their business: Alla went to the theater, and Vladimir went to the institute.
Soon the Korenevs born daughter Irina.The young father helped his wife in the care of the baby. He tried to spend as much time as possible at home. But this did not always work. The blame for everything was a tough work schedule. Today Irina Koreneva is a married woman. Together with the spouse they raise the son of Yegor. I must say that Irina has followed in the footsteps of her parents. She also became an actress.
Today actor Vladimir Korenev considers himselfhappy man. For his long and interesting life, he managed to build a brilliant career in film, to get a family and an army of fans. We wish this great artist good health, creative success and financial stability!