/ / Nasov's "Patches" Story: a Brief Content for the Diary of a Reader

Nasov's "Patches" story: a brief summary for the readers' diary

Children's writer N.Nosov is known for short, but very instructive stories. There is no exception and a small work "Patch". The noses (a brief summary for the readers' diary is given below) makes one think of his little readers about the fact that one always needs to go to the intended goal, even if this is not at all easy.

a brief patch for the reader's diary

Story Tale

The boy with the unusual name Bobka waswonderful trousers of protective color - so begins his story "Patch" Noses. In a brief summary for the readers' diary, it must be noted that the boy was very proud of his pants - because in them he looked like a soldier. But once there was a nuisance: Bobka tore his pants when he climbed over the fence and caught on a nail. Of course, he was very upset, and almost burst into tears. And then he went to his mother in the hope that she would sew up her pants.

Unexpected turn

But my mother refused to sew a patch.The noses (in the brief content for the reader's diary there is no way to fully convey her dialogue with the boy) emphasizes that it was important for the mother to train the son to be responsible for his actions and correct mistakes himself.

Bobka at first waved at the hole with his hand andwent to the street in the same pants. And even tried to justify himself before the boys, laughing at tattered trousers, that this is my mother's fault. However, he felt ashamed when his friends said that soldiers should be able to sew and sew a button and put a patch. Nosov - a brief summary for the reader's diary will prove it - it was important to make your hero realize his injustice and begin to act independently.

And yet he managed

Shy friends Bobka returned home and asked his mother for a needle with a thread and a suitable shred. He cut out the patch of the right size and got down to business.

a brief patch for the reader's diary
Oh, and it was not easy - Bobka all fingersexterminated, because he was in a great hurry! When the patch was sewn, Bobka looked at the results of his work. And they did not like him very much, Nikolai Nosov, the author of Zaplatka, emphasizes. In a brief summary for the reader's diary, one can note the reason for this: the patch was frayed, and the panty with the hole was so wrinkled that it now looked shorter than the other.

Bobka grumbled discontentedly and again beganthe case: first he patched the patch, then carefully spread it and put it to the hole. For fidelity, I swiped the patch with ink and picked up a needle. Now he sewed slowly and watched to avoid going beyond the line. It was carried out, of course, for a long time, but when I finished, I admired the work: the patch was sewn smoothly and practically tight. Bobka put on his pants and went outside.

Boba the hero

The boys surrounded their comrade and looked at the fruits of his work. Now none of them hid admiration: after all the patched patch made it clear that Boba was sewing it herself.

nikolai nosov patch brief for the readers diary

And Bobka spun in front of the guys in his pants, whichhe sewed it up himself, and reasoned that now he could easily cope with the button, if, of course, she would ever come off. Thus ends the story itself and you can also finish the short content of "Patch" by Nosov. For the reader's diary, it only remains to add that the main idea of ​​the story is this: thanks to diligence and effort, it is always possible to achieve the intended goal, no matter how difficult and unrealizable it may seem.

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