/ / Ivan Krylov: short biography of the fabulist

Ivan Krylov: a short biography of a fabulist

It's no secret that the biography of Krylov,a short content of the fables of this great writer accompany us from the very childhood. Krylov's fables are often called fairy tales, and they have always been interesting to a wide range of readers - not only adults but also children. A brief biography of Krylov for children is also relevant for today. In the article we will tell about the main moments of the writer's life. Krylov, whose short biography includes several parts: childhood, adolescence and the adult life of the writer, is the most famous fabulist.

Wings Short Biography


Little Ivan was born on February 13 in 1769 incity ​​of Moscow. The writer studied as a child, he did not work too hard and went to school haphazardly, mainly his father engaged in education - he instilled in him a love of reading, taught letters and mathematics. When Krylov was 10 years old, he lost his father, because of which the boy had to grow up early. Already over the years, Krylov made up for the shortcomings of such an education - he constantly expanded his horizons, learned to play the violin and the Italian language. This was Krylov, whose brief biography is described in the article.


When the writer was fourteen years old, he moved to the cultural capital - Petersburg, where his mother went

short biography of the wing for children
to work for her to be appointed goodpension. After that, he was transferred to serve in the state chamber. Despite the position held, in the first place Krylova always had literary passions and visits to theatrical productions. These hobbies remained with him and after at the age of 17 his mother passed away and he took care of his younger brother. This was the adolescence of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, his brief biography, unfortunately, does not disclose all the events of the writer's life that left a mark on his work.

Literary life

From 1790 to 1808, Krylov wrote plays for the theater,among which the libretto of the satirical opera "Coffee House", the tragedy "Cleopatra", many of them deserved popularity and gained wide popularity, in particular "Fashion store" and "Ilya Bogatyr." But gradually Krylov, a brief biography

biography of the wing
who is so famous for fables, stopped writingfor the theater and paid much attention to the writing of fables. And in 1808 more than seventeen fables of Ivan Andreevich were published, among which the most popular among readers is "Elephant and Moska". In secular publications, magazines, there are more and more new works of Krylov. In 1809 the debut collection of fables is published, which in a short time acquires wide popularity and brings fame to the author. Further collections of his fables begin to appear in large editions, the total number of which during the writer's lifetime has already exceeded 75,000 copies. During this time, Krylov's fables were translated into ten languages, and now - already in 50 languages.

Until the end of his life Krylov, brief biographywhich ends with information that he wrote more than two hundred fables, continued to create. The last edition of the fables family and friends of the writer received in 1844, already with the notice of the death of Krylov from pneumonia.

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