Cold arms attract their shine, hiddenpower since the time when man has just begun to master the processing of metal. The legendary Kerambet is a knife with a rich history. The first mention of it is found in the 14th century among the people of Minangkbau, who inhabits the island of Sumatra. There it was used in wars with other islanders, but in civilian life it was used for household needs. As a novice artist to cope with the task of creating an image of weapons on paper with the greatest realism, how to draw kerambit easily and quickly, so that the image turned out to be beautiful and original, consider below.
The Kerambit knife is easily recognizable thanks topeculiar curved form. On the handle he has an opening for the index finger, and a sickle-shaped blade measuring from 3 to 10 centimeters is imprisoned from the inside. In order to use the knife in battle, it is important to have a special technique. Hold it back, pointing the blade away from you. There are three main versions of the origin of kerambit, each of them is interesting. If you believe the first variant of origin, then this knife came from a sickle for harvesting crops - indeed, there is a similarity in the shape and processing of the blade. The next version says that for greater expression in the cock-fighting popular on the island, birds were tied to the paws with small curved blades. In favor of this hypothesis is the translation of the phrase Karambit Lawi Ayam - "spur of the cock". The third option claims that from the very beginning it was a military weapon, and the Indian knucklebut served as a model for it. Not discussing the excellent qualities of these knives in close combat, it is worth noting that they are valued for the elegance of lines and external beauty. How to draw kerambit to fix on his paper its image, we will consider below.
It is very important to prepare for the drawing process.To engage in creativity, you need to understand the technique in which the drawing will be executed. The minimum set of necessary materials is a sharp-edged simple pencil, an elastic band, a sheet of paper. Let's consider the instruction how to draw kerambit step by step in pencil.
Kerambite may be different.There are several modifications of classic Malay knives. How to draw kerambit, which will look organic? The curved shape and the hole on the handle are the main difference. The basis of the image is a collection of simple figures.
The final stage of the description, how to drawkerambit step by step, consider in detail. Gently remove any excess contours with a rubber band. Pay attention to the relief details - carefully shading lines, form on the paper dark and light areas. Now that the sketch is finished, you can draw a picture with colored pencils.
The essence of phased drawing is a gradualreproduction of the image. A detailed description, which describes how to draw kerambit, is useful to a beginner artist. In detail, consider the scheme, the technique of creating a picture will become clear even for the inexperienced amateur.