/ / How old is Gradsky Alexander in 2014? How old is Gradsky's wife?

How old is Gradsky Alexander in 2014? How old is Gradsky's wife?

Alexander Gradsky - the founder of Russian rock,a bright representative of the domestic show business, a talented composer and singer, a caring father and a loving husband. His person is of interest to people of different ages and musical tastes. How old is Gradsky Alexander? Who does he live with now? What projects is involved in? All the necessary information you will find in the article.

How old is Gradsky

short biography

The future composer, poet and musician appeared onlight in the city of Kopeisk (Chelyabinsk region). It happened on November 3, 1949. My father worked as a mechanical engineer, and my mother was a professional actress. In the province of Gradsky lived not for long. When Sasha was 8 years old, the family moved to Moscow. At first they had to live in an eight-meter communal flat. Parents made a lot of effort to get their son a decent education. They found the best music teachers for him. Comprehensive school, which went to Alexander, was in the center of the capital.

At the age of 14, Gradsky lost his mother. The talented actress died suddenly. Ironically, it was this year that Sasha made his singing debut.

In 1974 he received a diploma on the successful completion of the chamber faculty of solo singing (in Gnesinka).


Gradsky is the creator of one of the firstrock bands in the Soviet Union. She received the name "Slavs". Then the group was renamed “Buffoons” and “Scythians” twice. In 1969, the musicians managed to achieve popularity. Practically all of Moscow listened to the songs of Skomorokhov.

Since 1972, Gradsky Alexander took up work instudios. He himself wrote music and lyrics. In 1973, Andron Konchalovsky turned to the composer with a request to write music for his film “Romance of Lovers”. The experiment was extremely successful. In 1974, the Western magazine "Billboard" awarded Gradsky the title of "Star of the Year", assessing his contribution to the global music industry. From now on, our hero regularly pleased the Soviet public with new hits, collecting notices at concerts. How old is Gradsky Alexander was then? Approximately 25-26 years old.

Ex wives

“How old is Gradsky?” Is not the only question asked by the composer’s fans. The female part is interested in the details of his personal life. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity.

How old is his wife's grad

It is known that behind Alexander threeofficial marriage. The first wife of the composer was Natalia Smirnova. How old was Gradsky at that time? About twenty. The young girl could not cope with the complex character of the band "Buffoons". As a result, she ran away on the third day after the wedding. In a recent interview, Gradsky called his first marriage a "youth act." From this we can conclude that there was no strong feelings between him and Natalia. Soon the girl began to meet with another soloist of "Buffoons" - Gleb May.

In 1976, Gradsky married again. His choice fell on the beautiful actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. Idyll in their relationship did not last long. In 1980, the marriage broke up.

Olga became the third legitimate spouse of the composer.About her, little is known. However, it was in this marriage that Alexander twice experienced the happiness of fatherhood. In March 1981, his wife gave him a heir. The boy was named Daniel. And in January 1986, another replenishment happened in the family. This time the daughter Masha was born. Marriage with Olga lasted almost 20 years. And it's not that idyll reigned in their relationship. Only friends and relatives knew that spouses live in different apartments. Gradsky regularly came to Olga to visit the children. In 2003, the marriage was officially terminated. Without scandals and claims. How old was Gradsky at that time? Only 54 years old. A man in his prime. I must say that our today's hero was not alone for long.

Current wife

With his fourth wife composermet in 2003. Tall and slim blonde immediately attracted the attention of the master. Surely you wonder how old the wife of Alexander Gradsky. Marina Kotasenko is 11 years younger than him. The girl moved to Moscow from Kiev. She has been trained at VGIK, working at a model agency and shooting in several films. How old was Gradsky's wife at the time of their acquaintance? Approximately 22-23 years. What so attracted young and beautiful girl in a man over 50? Most likely, charisma and incredible energy.

How old is the wife of Alexander Gradsky

The couple has been living together for 10 years.They recently became happy parents. A charming little son was born, who was named Alexander in honor of his father. Marina did not give birth in Moscow, but in New York. A caring spouse in advance found one of the best clinics and fully paid for medical services. Births began 2 weeks ahead of schedule. The composer was at that time in Moldova, where he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic. Next to Marina was Gradsky’s daughter from a third marriage - Maria. Immediately after the concert, the happy father rushed to a New York clinic to see his child. The Gradsky family returned to Moscow only on September 26. Now they live in the elite village Novoglagolevo, which is 35 kilometers from the capital.

Fans are interested in how old Gradsky's wifenow. Those who do not personally know the girl and see her only in the photo, give her no more than 25 years. According to Marina, good nutrition, sports and, of course, love help her to look good. On November 22, 2014, the composer’s spouse celebrated the 34th anniversary.

How old is the city now

Creativity and recognition

А вы знаете, сколько лет Градскому было, когда He was awarded the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation"? It happened in 2000. Knowing the date of birth of the master, it is easy to calculate that he received the high award at the age of 51. V. Putin personally congratulated him.

Since 1987, Gradsky is in the Union of Composers.He has 15 released discs and hundreds of songs. In addition, he wrote music for 40 films. And for the TV series “Gangster Petersburg”, Alexander sang his song “The City That Doesn't Have”, which later became a hit. However, this composition is not considered the most popular. The first place is occupied by the song "How young we were." Until 1990, Gradsky did not perform it at concerts, although the audience liked it very much. The reason why the master did so remained unknown. But now everything has changed. For several years, this is the song that the master opens his concerts.

Gradsky Alexander is among the firstSoviet artists who went abroad. He managed to work with such first-rate stars as Charles Aznavour, Sammy Davis and Liza Minnely. The founder of Russian rock visited Sweden, Germany, Greece and even Japan.

Talented children

We have already mentioned that Gradsky has a sonand a daughter from a third marriage. The father tries to protect them from excessive media attention. How old is Gradsky's daughter and his son? What do they do? Now you all know.

28-летняя Мария несколько лет назад закончила МГУ.The girl has a wonderful relationship not only with her father, but also with a young stepmother. And she just adores her little stepbrother. A year ago, Masha was offered a job on Channel One. She became the presenter of the talk show "In Our Time."

How old are Gradsky's daughters

Daniel, the first son of Gradsky, recentlyturned 33 years old. This is a charismatic and talented young man. He is a great singer and a born artist. This could make sure the audience of the project "Voice". The third season was marked by the arrival of the star offspring on the show. Daniel went to Golos without warning his father. And Gradsky, in turn, did not recognize his son. When the guy was singing, Dima Bilan and Pelageya turned to him. Despite the fact that his talent was appreciated by two members of the jury, Daniel decided to leave the show. This news saddened the audience. But the guy himself considered it a dishonest act to take someone’s place. After all, many will think that he got into the project to pull.

Профессия сына Градского – экономист.Recently, a young man is engaged in business and enjoys extrasensory perception. The composer loves all his children and tries to provide them a decent future. Six months ago, he decided to build a house for Daniel in the village of Novoglagolevo. According to the approved project, it will be a two-storey cottage with an area of ​​280 "squares".

Double anniversary

Those who do not know how old Gradsky in 2014year, we report. The famous musician is 65 years old. The gala concert was held on November 25 in Crocus City Hall. Maestro performed his famous hits, and accompanied him to them the academic orchestra. N. Osipova. Knowing the answer to the question of how old Gradsky Alexander is now, it is difficult to believe in it. After all, he looks younger. Meanwhile, the composer celebrated a double anniversary - the 65th birthday and 50 years of creative activity. His friends and colleagues, including prominent musicians, singers, actors and directors, came to congratulate Gradsky.

How old is Gradsky Alexander now


Knowing how old Gradsky is now is difficultTo believe that he continues to record songs, compose music and participate in television projects as actively as in his youth. The composer’s touring activities deserve special attention. Issues related to the organization of concerts and the invitation of a star to corporate events, weddings and anniversaries are decided by Gradsky’s personal assistant.

How old is Gradsky in 2014

Participation in the "Voice"

Вот уже третий сезон мы можем наблюдать Alexander Gradsky in the composition of the star jury. If you believe the information in the print media, the composer's fee reaches $ 2 million. But for Gradsky participation in the project is not only an additional source of income. The program provides him with an excellent opportunity - to select talented guys and make of them real pop stars. After all, the maestro is no longer young, which means that it's time to start preparing a decent shift. How old is Gradsky in 2013, when his ward Sergei Volchkov defeated? Calculate is not difficult. Then the composer was 64 years old. He made a bet on an intelligent Belarusian guy and got straight to the point. The guy easily beat the potential leader of the project - Nargiz Zakirov.

Interesting Facts

We are ready to tell about Gradsky what they will not write in newspapers and magazines. Here are some interesting facts from his life.

  • Up to 14 years old, he bore the name Fradkin. But after the death of the mother decided to perpetuate her memory. For this, Alexander took her name, becoming Gradsky.
  • Unlike other public people, the master does not like to be photographed.
  • In the group of "Buffoons" created by him, Alexander Buinov was the keyboard player.
  • The words "scoop" and "journalist" came up with exactly Gradsky.


Now you know how old Gradsky in 2014the year where he lives, who his wives were and what talents his children have. We wish your favorite composer inspiration and success in work. And, of course, happiness in your personal life.

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