OJSC "Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant" FreeSokol "is the oldest enterprise in the city of Lipetsk, which celebrated a century-old history.The production specializes in unique products for Russia - water pipes made of high-strength cast iron.
The Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant was founded in 1899year by Belgian entrepreneurs. Since the production facilities were located in the village of Sokolsk, later included in the city line of Lipetsk, the enterprise was named the Sokolsky Metallurgical Plant. At full capacity, the company came out in 1900 after the launch of two blast furnaces.
During the Soviet period, production wasrenamed the Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant "Free Sokol". For many years the enterprise was engaged in the production of high-quality industrial pig iron. Since 1934, the organization has switched to the production of water-resistant cast-iron pipes.
Today, the structure of the Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant includes 14 productions. The main are blast-furnace and pipe-foundry shops. Blast furnace shop has two furnaces with a capacity of 700 m3 each with a complex of filling and auxiliary equipment. They provide the production of liquid and pig iron. The workshop produces foundry and terminal cast iron of various categories.
Due to the small volume of blast furnaces metallurgistsare able to smelt metal of very high quality in any quantities, even in small batches. Casting technology makes it possible to achieve the highest quality of metal, the structure of which is characterized by stable mechanical properties, lack of free cementite in the microstructure, minimal inclination to the edge section and excellent machinability. Cast iron is produced in pigs up to 9 kg, it is convenient to transport them in bulk in freight railcars.
In 1990, on the eve of the collapse of the USSR, at the Lipetskmetallurgical plant was commissioned with a modern equipment for a pipe-making shop for the production of water pipes of high-strength cast iron, in the structure of which the graphite is in a spherical (globular) state. This material in itself combines unique properties - the mechanical properties of steel and the corrosion resistance of cast iron:
These properties are obtained as a result of modificationordinary gray cast iron with magnesium. The modified graphite particles in the high-strength material are in the form of microscopic spherical spheres. They exclude the formation and spreading of cracks, giving the cast iron both firmness and plasticity.
The Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant mastered mass production:
The plant plans to master the production of parts of the sub-assembly of blast furnace air heaters (sub-balancing grids, supporting columns).
The plant "Free Sokol" has mastered the industrialThe production of a new class of synthetic composite metal charge with the commercial name "Synthetic". Procurement of charge for metallurgical production is a material consisting of iron and iron oxides, the composition, properties and future behavior of which are specified at the manufacturing stage.
"Synthetic" is made from pig irongrades П1, П2 or foundry-pig iron PL2 and oxidizer (iron ore pellets of Lebedinsky or Mikhailovsky GOKs) in the form of pyramidal castings weighing 7-10 kg, similar to cast iron pigs.
JSC "Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant" produces a wide range of products:
Today, "Free Falcon" is experiencing not the besttime. Despite the unique products in the form of pipes from Ductile Iron Ore, the plant is actually bankrupt. However, the bankruptcy procedure does not necessarily mean the closure of production. Shareholders and the administration have time to carry out the recovery of the enterprise. Neither the creditors nor the city authorities in stopping production are not interested.