/ / How to feed laying hens: diet and feeding regime

How to feed laying hens: diet and feeding regime

By planning and successfully starting a business at homethe production of chicken eggs, you are puzzled by many questions. First of all, the novice farmer is interested in how to feed the laying hens, how to organize a room for them and maintain a regime in it. All this is not so difficult, not very expensive, and since there is a constant demand for products, it is certainly beneficial. Let's talk more about feeding poultry.

How to feed laying hens

how to feed laying hens
The egg-laying chicken diet should befull-fledged and include vegetable (both whole-grain feed and flour mixtures), animal feed and minerals. How to feed the laying hens, if you have a breeding population of poultry, from which you get eggs for incubating the young? The feed for them should be high content of easily digestible protein and vitamins (B, E). The source of vitamin E is the germinated grain, vitamins of group B - yeast. This category of poultry in the diet also needs fish oil.

What feeds are used for egg-laying hens

For this purpose, cereals, legumes, cake andcakes in the form of concentrates. We also need fish, meat and bone meal, milk, cottage cheese, green grass, carrots, beets, potatoes, bran, pine flour, limestone, chalk, feed phosphates, and salt. In general, poultry is fed with complete feed mixtures, in addition to this, food waste and vegetable tops are relevant. Mineral feed should always be in the house. Before the laying of eggs (two to three weeks) in the body of a bird, you must create a reserve of calcium. The egg production of chickens is phased, the first stage is characterized by intensive egg production, it lasts from 21-22 weeks to 48 weeks, reaching a peak at 28-29. During this period, you need to feed the bird with high-calorie, low-volume feed. After 48 weeks, productivity and nutrient requirements are falling.

what to feed laying hens
In how to feed laying hens, great valuehas a feeding mode. Dry feed set twice a day. If wet mashes are used, the frequency of meals is increased to three or four. In this case, make sure that the food was not in the feeders longer than 30-40 minutes.

Here is the approximate layout of what to feed the laying hens (per head per day):

Grain - 50 g, flour mixture - 50 g, hay flour - up to 10 g, succulent fodder (carrots, beets) - up to 50 g, dry protein fodder - 10-15 g, chopped shell - 5 g, bone meal - 2 g, salt - 0, 5 g. The total amount of feed mixture per chicken per day is 120 g. Thus, the consumption per year will be about 44 kg. The amount of daily feed when added to the diet of juicy and green fodder - 170 g

Water bird per head need about 250-300 g per day at a room temperature of 10 to 18aboutFROM.

keeping hens at home
A couple of words in conclusion

The maintenance of laying hens at home,Of course, it differs from industrial: no even rows of cells, automatic drinkers, food dispensers, cleaning units. But in home production, the farmer knows almost every chicken “in the face”, its features and problems. He can most effectively organize the business with this in mind. In the event of poultry disease, it is easy for a farmer to notice this among a small herd and respond promptly.

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