Years go by, the world changes, but one remains eternal- art. The legacy of cinematography and theater, music and literature, painting and architecture - all this wealth is stored and transmitted from generation to generation. Do not forget about those people who created these values: sculptors, writers, poets, artists and others - a part of their souls will always remain in the created works. One of these talented artists is the actor Lev Borisov. Biography of the people's figure of Russia totals 77 years. He died before reaching the 78th anniversary of his birth of 3 weeks.
The actor was born on December 8, 1933 in the city of Ples,located in the Ivanovo region. Biography of Lev Borisov was formed just like that with the participation of his older brother Oleg. Parents of boys were connected with agriculture: my mother worked as an agronomist, and my father was the head of an agricultural technical school. His name was given to the youngest son in honor of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.
The war began. It was a difficult time for the country. Father Ivan goes to the front. Mother with children goes through evacuation. First they leave for Alma-Ata, then - for Yaroslavl, and after it - for Moscow.
Biography of Lev Borisov could be formedcompletely different, since his only passion in his childhood was football. However, a couple with his brother, he visits a dramatic circle. After the war, Oleg enters the Moscow Art Theater School, which ends in 1951. Then he goes to the stage of the Kiev Drama Theater, which bears the name Lesia Ukrainka.
The youngest Borisov follows in the footsteps of his brother, onlymakes his choice in favor of the Shchukin school. He goes to the course of V. Lvova. In 1956, holding a coveted diploma in his hands, the newly-made actor was invited to the stage of the Movie Actor Theater. There he worked for four years. Then came the Theater of Drama, which the artist gave fourteen years. The next similar amount of time the artist shared equally. The first part he gave the theater to them. Ostrovsky, and the second - the theater. Stanislavsky. His longest "romance" with the stage began in 1987. It was then that the biography of Lev Borisov is enriched with the last (in relation to the theater) workplace. It was the Moscow Theater Center named after him. MN Ermolova.
The first debut of the actor in the movie was an episodicParticipation in the youth film "Certificate of maturity". This picture was on the big screen in 1954. He began to actively withdraw, only his role was small. The artist can be found in such tapes as "Ballad of a Soldier", "Shirley-Myrli", "Are You Whose, An Old Man?", "And Again Aniskin." In the film "The Gardener" Borisov Lev Ivanovich played in tandem with his brother, at that time a very popular actor.
The real glory of the artist gained after the release ofscreens of the series "Bandit Petersburg". One can not but agree that although the actor has been acting for a very long time, the public's love for him has come at a fairly mature age. Thanks to this series, the biography of Lev Borisov brings to his pages the admirably fulfilled role of the respected in the criminal circles of the authority of the Antibiotic in the performance of the actor.
Lev Ivanovich was twice married.From his first marriage he has a daughter Tatiana. The second union was presented to him by the daughter of Nadezhda, who became an actress of the Moscow Theater Center. MN Ermolova. The actor has a granddaughter Xenia. November 14, 2011 will forever remain a black day for the close of Lev Borisov. Because of complicated problems with the heart of the actor was taken to the intensive care unit, where he died.