This drawing lesson will focus on one of thefavorite children's cartoon characters - a hare. What kind of characters did not come up with multipliers. There are many options for how to properly draw a hare. Our animal will not be fabulous, but realistic. In this lesson we will show you how to draw a hare in pencil step by step, without special skills, armed with just a pencil, eraser and an album for drawing.
Where to start our drawing?In order for the child to be easier to perceive the task, we will perform a sketch of the hare from geometric figures. This will be an oval and a circle, which will become the basis for the character.
We take a clean sheet of paper and draw lightlyThe inclined oval, which in shape resembles a chicken egg. This will be the basis for the torso of the bunny. A little higher it is necessary to draw a circle, but in size it should be much smaller than the oval. It will be a head. At the same time, it is necessary to explain to the child why these figures differ in size. Draw a line between the head and body, symbolically it will denote the neck.
At this stage, we begin to plan the ear and muzzleour bunny. For this, on a circle that serves as the basis for the head, we need to draw a long ear and outline a convex muzzle. If it seems to you that the picture is not in its place, erase it with an eraser and correct it.
How to draw a muzzle of a hare?The easiest way is to start with the eye. When you schedule it, the head will begin to appear more clearly. Pay attention to the spout, the inside of the eyelet. You can draw a fur at the bottom of the head.
Here, most likely, your help inhow to draw a hare in pencil in stages. It will be necessary to connect the head and the back with a smooth line. Then, under the muzzle of the bunny, you should draw a shirt-front, which will move into the front foot.
First, draw the second foot of the bunny, and then go to the rear. If it's hard for you to understand how to draw them correctly, look at the diagram-drawing.
Understand how to draw a harepencil in stages, you will be helped by the drawings presented in the article. Now, when the drawing is almost ready, look at it from the side. You may want to fix or add something. Then take the eraser and erase all the unnecessary lines that remained after the work done. You must have only the contour of the bunny.
What to do with the picture next, let yourchild. Maybe he will want to paint it with paints or colored pencils, and maybe continue to paint with a simple pencil. On the color picture, presented in the article, the bunny has pink ears, tummy and shirt-front. Help the child to draw this border.
Today you learned how to draw a harepencil in stages. We can assume that the drawing lessons will not stop at the familiarization with one fluffy character. You still have to draw chanterelles, squirrels, bears ...