Under body painting understand the art of drawing the body.Body painting on the face and other parts of the body appeared in the Stone Age. The main purpose of the drawing is to show the position of its owner in the tribe, its hunting or military merits. Drawings on the face always emphasized what a person is known for, were applied by coal, clay, fruit juices.
Thus, the body painting of the face was a kind of identification mark, a symbol, since other designations such as asterisks, skits on the pagon, had not yet time to come up.
As an art form, body painting on the face appeared in the 60s of the 20th century, and gained popularity at the beginning of this century, as the personification of extreme, unusual manifestations of human characteristics.
In its pure form, body painting on the face can be seen on the catwalks during fashion shows, on stage, at youth discos, parties, with advertising purpose - in company logos.
Clean body painting occurs in everyday lifeinfrequently, but its elements are not so rare. Representatives of some youth movements (punks, goths) used on their faces certain drawings that emphasized their belonging to this direction. Football fans paint faces to emphasize their loyalty to their favorite team.
A face decorated with a carnival mask will make you irresistible, and the snake, cat or leopard style of the picture is shocking, looks extravagant and fascinating.
It is believed that if cosmetics do not correct facial features, but exaggerate decorates it, for example, too bright lips or shadows, rhinestones and glitter are the elements of body painting.
Body painting on the face is considered by many somethingcausing and indecent, as well as tattooing the body. But unlike tattoos, body painting is not harmful to health: it does not injure the skin of the skin, almost does not cause allergies, it is easily washed off.
Performing drawings on the face can be with the help of cosmetic pencils or special colors - aquagrim. They are safe for the skin and can be easily removed with the help of a greasy cream or water with soap.
Do not use mascara or gel paste. They can cause allergies and leave traces after washing off, besides they look unpleasant.
Do not use theatrical make-up. He though harmless, but under it the skin does not breathe.
Many paint their own face to stand out in some way from the monotonous faceless crowd.
You can not consider body painting as something ugly andunpleasant. Pulling on the face of the mask feature or the women of Yaga at the New Year's carnival, we will not become angrier and uglier in life. What is worse than drawing on the face? After all, a festive night happens only once a year, and people want to have a good mood always. Why not cheer yourself and not poke around after a hard day, painting your face? If only this creativity did not cause harm to health.