/ / "The Captain's Daughter": the meaning of the title of the novel, the main characters and the plot

"The Captain's Daughter": the meaning of the title of the novel, the main characters and the plot

Probably, every person at school read the novel of A.S.Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Every schoolboy can answer who the author is, and tell the plot of the work "The Captain's Daughter". The meaning of the title of the novel will become clear after its reading of the title, but already in the title of the work the plot is reflected.

Human Nobility and Honor in the "Captain's Daughter"

In the novel by A.S.Pushkin intertwined two story lines: love and nobility. The heroes of the story "The Captain's Daughter" reflect the essence of the human soul, show how good and bad intentions can play against a person and, on the contrary, help him. After reading the novel, many people think about the fact that honor is one of the main qualities that should be in the first place and be present in every person.

Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" - the mainhero. He personifies human nobility, honor and dignity, which he carried with pride and majesty. In order to give a clear description of this hero, it is necessary to recall the main events taking place in the "Captain's Daughter".

A trip to Orenburg. The first meeting with Pugachev

All the main events in the story "The Captain's Daughter"occur in the Belogorsky fortress. Pyotr Andreevich Grinyov went to Orenburg for service on the instructions of his father, who wanted a real man to grow out of his son. Grinyov set off with Savelich, but during the journey to service they were caught by bad weather and snowstorm. However, the heroes of the novel were lucky, because they met a stranger - a "tramp" who showed them the road and led them to their homes. As a token of gratitude, Grinyov gave his hare to the tramp and brought a glass of wine. The stranger bowed low to Peter and thanked him.

captain's daughter the meaning of the title of the novel

Very exciting and at the same time touching is the story "The Captain's Daughter". The meaning of the title of the novel lies in its plot.

From Orenburg, Grinev was sent to serve in theBelogorsky fortress, the commandant of which was Ivan Kuzmich Mironov. He was an uneducated man, but from all the others he was distinguished by the kindness of the soul and honesty. Mironov has a wife - Vasilisa Yegorovna, who accepts all military affairs as her economic. After a short period of time, Peter Andreevich became a native man for their family, and he himself, without noticing that, was very much attached to the commandant's family. Masha Mironova is a captain's daughter. To her, Grinev was also very attached, considered her prudent and sensitive girl.

Grinev in the story Captain's daughter

Friendship of Grinov and Shvabrin. Love for the Captain's Daughter

It should be noted that Grinyova's service is not at allwas burdensome. The hero of the story was engaged in translation, as well as writing poems. At first, Peter Andreevich became close to Shvabrin, who was the only person close to him by education and age. But soon they quarreled because Shvabrin criticized the "love song" of Grinyov, which was dedicated to the captain's daughter. Masha Mironov, he also touched and filthy commented on "her mores and customs." Soon it became clear why Alexei Ivanovich behaved like that: Shvabrin admitted his love for Mironova, but was refused.

The heroes of the story "The Captain's Daughter" embody the various good and evil sides of the human character. Shvabrin is hypocrisy and envy. For Grinev, friendship with him ended pitifully.

The Don Cossack Pugachev

In October 1773 Ivan Mironov receiveda secret message about Emelian Pugachev, who, along with his "gang of bandits," ravaged several fortresses. Soon everyone knew about the bandit and was afraid of his appearance.

Belogorsky fortress was taken after the firstattacks. The captors were taken to swear allegiance to the robber, and already the commandant of Mironov fortress was killed on the gallows. Immediately afterwards, his wife Vasilisa was also killed. The same death awaited and Grinyova, but Pugachev pardoned him. The next day, Peter Andreevich learned that the stranger to whom he had given the hare's sheepskin coat was the ataman of the robbers. Thanks to this act of Grinyov, his lover, the captain's daughter, remained alive.

the heroes of the story are the captain's daughter

The meaning of the title of the novel can be understood after reading the work in full, because only then the reader will discover the true essence and the plot of the "Captain's daughter".

The captain's daughter stayed in the fortress

Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter, stayed infortress, since the priest gave her for her niece. Grinev several times made unsuccessful attempts to travel to Orenburg in order to ask for help from the military commandant. Petr Andreevich was refused, and he again went to Belogorsky fortress. On the way, the rebels again detained Grinyov, and Pugachev could do what he did not do the last time. However, the robber, having learned about the purpose of the trip of Grinev, decided to release him and Masha Mironov.

masha milano captain's daughter

In the Belogorsky fortress, Pyotr Andreevich, with the help of the robber Pugachev, frees Mironov. Shvabrin decides to disclose fraud to the ataman, but he did not change his decision and dismissed Grinyov.

Then Grinev was arrested, and at the trial he wascompletely calm and confident. Shvabrin stipulated Peter, and the latter was to be disgraced and exiled to Siberia. However, he is rescued by Masha Mironova, who asked the queen to have mercy on Grinev.

Nobody will be indifferent to the "Captain's daughter".The meaning of the title of the novel lies in the main events - saving Masha Mironova from the fate of her family. This work can not leave anyone indifferent, because the events occurring in the novel affect the most urgent and exciting topics for each person.

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