/ / Breeds of chicken: LEGHORN and Russian white

Breeds of chickens: LEGHORN and Russian white

В настоящее время имеется огромное количество the most diverse breeds of chickens. They can be classified into three groups: egg, meat and universal direction. In addition, a large number of highly productive hybrids - crosses - have been derived. Chickens of the egg direction are characterized by great endurance, unpretentiousness and excellent yield of young animals.

breeds of chicken leggings
In this article, we will examine two of the most interesting representatives of this group: the breeds of Lycheon hens, as well as the Russian whites.


Подобное интересное название этой породы comes from the Italian town of Livorno, which in English sounds like Leghorn. It was here that these chickens first appeared, around the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, nothing special about the Lychegory was different, the eggs were not carried too much. In the 40s of the same century, these chickens came to the USA, where a large selection work was carried out with them. As a starting material, a variety of breeds of chickens were used. Leggorn modern - a mixture of old Italian chickens and breeds such as white minorks, phoenixes, Japanese yokohams. To us in the country these chickens have got in 20th years of the last century. At the moment, leggorns are the most popular breed in the world.

breeds of chickens
This poultry differs unusuallyhigh egg production. From the laying hen alone it is possible to get about 300 eggs per year. Lunghorn white chicken with a leaf-shaped scallop rushes even better - up to 350 eggs per year. The weight of the cockerel can reach 3 kg. The chicken weighs a little less - up to two and a half kilograms. At the moment, more than 20 breeding plants are working on improving this breed and creating hybrids in Russia.

The two most common breeds of chickens- Leggorn and the Russian White that came from him. The latter was obtained by crossing with local varieties adapted to Russian conditions.

Russian white chickens

Work on the creation of chickens of this breed was startedin the distant 1929. Breeding experiments lasted more than 20 years. In 1953 Russian white was officially approved as a breed. Its other name is Snow White. This is an unusually productive bird. One of the most interesting features of it is that it is not susceptible to such a disease as leukemia. These chickens are absolutely not afraid of low temperatures. Even chickens can be grown at a temperature 10 degrees below normal.

One layer can carry up to 230 eggs per year. The weight of both chickens and bettens reaches two and a half kilograms. Although, of course, the first usually a little less.

The breeds of Russian white and leggy chicken can beconsider one of the most productive at the moment. In Russia, of course, the first, as more adapted, for breeding is preferable. However, with proper care, an excellent result can be obtained by growing also leggorns.

Russian white and leggy mountain - wonderful for manyparameters of the breed of chickens. Leggorn is a bird that is afraid of strong noise, which is reflected in a decrease in productivity. This must be taken into account. They do not like too much cramped. However, it is easy enough to get used to changes in weather conditions, which is important.

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