/ / Features and Summary - "The Death of Ermak"

Features and Summary - "The Death of Ermak"

Today we will bring to your attention a briefcontent. "Death of Ermak" is a work, the essence of which will be stated in this material. The work is largely due to the author's own life.

Ryleev "Death of Ermak" - a summary

a brief summary of the death of the ermak
The Duma describes how the Irtysh bank sitsthoughtful Ermak. Like anticipating his own imminent death, he is thinking about life, as well as friends and how correctly they act. Many Cossacks were desperate criminals who went to the tsar's service. Ermak does not condemn them, rather admires courage and courage. He believes that they have washed away the crimes and now they do not spare their lives for the tsar and for Rus. The brave Yermak is opposed by Kuchum - the head of the enemy camp is a mean and insidious man.


A description of how the hero left this worldcontinue our rundown (summary). "Ermak's Death" tells how a warrior threw himself into a river, dressed as a king's gift. He is drowning. According to Ryleeva, the equipment was the main reason for his death. The river swallowed up the warrior almost immediately. The hero died, faithfully serving the autocracy. Rileyev finishes the work with a description of thunder and raging winds.


the death of the ermak
The above was briefly described."Death of Ermak" is a work that refers to a peculiar cycle of philosophical and patriotic poems of the author. For Ryleev, personal freedom is incredibly important. To serve the tsar and Russia is not an equivalent concept for him. He admires the heroism of Ermak, as well as his service aimed at the benefit of Russia. However, Rileyev is negative about the fact that the hero received from the tsar an expensive gift that caused his death. So we examined the reasons for writing, as well as its brief content. "Death of Ermak" is a thought created in 1822. It is partly based on music, and is embodied in the form of a song.

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