In order to execute a plausible drawing"Kamaz" or another machine with the help of an ordinary pencil, do not have to be a genius. It's enough just to follow detailed instructions on how to draw "Kamaz", and it will reveal to you all the secrets of the virtuosos of graphic art.
First, arm yourself with tools, because the quality of your work, as well as its simplicity, will largely depend on the selection of the right materials:
Each element of the outline try to inflictthin light strokes so that they can be easily erased after the reference lines are not needed. In order to better imagine the dimensions of the future drawing and correctly plan the place of "KamAZ" on paper, divide the sheet into four equal squares. In the two lower ones, draw a diagram of the wheels of KamAZ and its body. When painting the wheels, remember that the diameter of each should be equal to half the height of the body. Center the wheel circumference below the bottom of the cab and body. The first pair of wheels should be directly under the car, the following - depending on the model of the car and your imagination. Before you draw "KAMAZ", it is important to calculate the proportions of the picture, so that you do not have to delete the already applied strokes and start all over again.
In the upper squares, place the body and cabincars. Try to observe the proportions. The height of the body is usually half the height of the cabin, but it will look different, because under the body is also a chassis. Do not forget to paint the rear-view mirrors, windows and doors in the cab "KamAZ", as well as a massive gas tank. Remember that the window occupies 40 percent of the area of the cabin.
This step in the instruction on how to draw"KAMAZ" starts from the front of the car: draw a windshield and the details behind it, a license plate, lights and wipers. Shake the front of the cab if provided in your model. Apply shadows and shade the monochrome parts using different shading for different objects and the same for parts made from the same material. In the same sequence, represent the rear of the car: the wheels and the chassis (bottom box) and the body (top box). Remember that the hatching of these fragments should be larger, in contrast to the front objects. So the picture will look more harmonious.
Now you can proceed to painting the picture.Erase the rough lines and add, where necessary, the shading. Color the picture with colored pencils or using the feathering method, using pencils of different softness for various details of KamAZ. The drawing, shaded with a stack or paper, will look more realistic than colored in the usual way.
Draw a beautiful frame for your KamAZ, paint asphalt or gravel, and the picture will become a real masterpiece worthy of the headboard of your bed.
Now you know how to draw "KAMAZ"with a pencil. To get a plausible drawing, you just need to create the right foundation, adhere to the given proportions, paint the object with the shading method and give vent to your imagination. And then everything will turn out!