/ / Profession psychologist. Highlights

Profession of psychologist. Highlights

Professions are professionsinformation summaries on various types of employment that describe them, and also include the standards and requirements for the applicant for a certain position. They are used to ensure that the work of a particular specialist is effective and correct. Such summaries can be compiled for any profession (for example, a professional engraving of an engineer, a politician, a locksmith, a teacher, etc.) can be compiled.

professiogram of a psychologist
In this article we will talk about the profession programpsychologist, that is, about what this specialist does, what types of activities dominate his work, what qualities ensure the success of his duties, and much more.

So, the professional psychogram of the psychologist to the dominanttypes of activity include research on the level of development of the human psyche and the processes associated with its functioning, the study of the general norms and laws of the mental development of children and the formulation of training programs, the study of the behavior of people and their inner world, and consideration of issues that are related to creativity and perception of the environment. In addition, the psychologist often studies the characteristics of the individual's work, his behavior in stressful situations.

occupational professions
Often these specialists conduct psychologicalconsultations, organize group events, conduct trainings, lectures and seminars, ensure the prevention of adverse manifestations of the psyche and the strengthening of positive psychological qualities. In addition to the above activities, they are engaged in many others, which will differ depending on the place and purpose of the work.

A psychologist's profession also describesThe qualities that this specialist must possess in order that his professional activity be successful. If we talk about abilities, they can include the following:

- high concentration and attention;

- the ability to switch, correctly allocate attention, perform several actions simultaneously;

- oratorical skills;

- well-developed figurative and verbal-logical memory and the corresponding types of thinking;

- the ability to memorize a large amount of information;

- communication skills;

- Ability to listen and express their thoughts clearly;

- Ability to control yourself.

engineer professiogram
With regard to personal qualities, the professionpsychologist, as a rule, includes responsibility, tolerance, respect for others, the desire to develop and learn new, resourcefulness and originality, tact, initiative, purposefulness, creativity, the ability to keep secrets, and other positive qualities.

The qualities that preventeffectiveness of work: imbalance, aggressiveness, indecisiveness, isolation, inability to put themselves in the place of another person and understand his position. A person with rigid thinking, a low intellectual level of development can not become a psychologist.

Professional knowledge of this specialistapply in a variety of areas, as will be described by any professional psychologist's proficiency. Such people can work in social organizations, and in educational institutions, and in hospitals, and in various services or firms. Many psychologists work on the phone of trust, in the rescue service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, military organizations.

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