/ How to become an administrator in Windows 7? "Maximum" OS version and "Home Basic"

How to become an administrator in Windows 7? "Maximum" OS version and "Home Basic"

Of course, one of the most popular OS is"Windows 7". Even though the eighth version has already been released, many users prefer the "seven" because of its reliability and high level of security.

how to become an administrator in windows 7

However, people who used to work in WindowsXP, noticed that even if they log on as an administrator, they still do not have full rights. The developers have taken care that the inexperienced user does not accidentally delete any program responsible for the stable operation of the operating system. That's why by default the "admin" account is deactivated.

After reading the material in this article, you will learn how to become an administrator in Windows 7 to be able to delete or disable any applications and services.

Activation of the administrator account in the "Seven"

In Windows 7, the user does not have full rightsadministrator. More precisely, it is an "administrator", but it can not fully work with system services and applications. Of course, this is a very prudent step on the part of developers, because a novice "user" can turn off an important program or, conversely, activate malicious software.

How to log in to Windows 7 under the administrator

But if you are sure that do not harm your PC,then, perhaps, you will be interested to learn how to enter into "Windows 7" under the administrator to manage all applications. It is not difficult to do this, as it will take only a few steps:

  • Log on to the IP and refer to the "Administration" section.
  • Select Computer Management. A window appears in which you are interested in the item "Local Users and Groups". In the drop-down list, refer to the "Users" subsection.
  • Click on the PCM to "account" the administrator and enter the properties. Here, remove the checkbox, set near the "Disconnect account".

The last step is to reboot the device.

How to become an administrator in "Windows 7" ("Home Basic" version)?

If you have Windows 7 installed on your computer,version of "Home Basic", then to get the rights of "admin", you need to use another way. Why? Because by opening the "Computer Management" section, you simply will not find the "Users and Groups" subsection.

So, how to become an administrator in Windows 7 if you have a "Home Basic" version installed? In fact, in this case, you need to perform just a few simple steps.

First of all, click the "R" and "Win" buttons to call the "Run" tool. Type in the appeared window the letters "cmd" to start the command line.

Now you need to enter the command "net user administrator / active: yes" and click "Enter". As a result, the administrator account is activated.

how to become an administrator in Windows 7 home base

If you have an English version of the OS, then in this command the word "administrator" will need to be written in English (administrator).

By the way, in order to deactivate the "account" of the administrator, you need to write "no" instead of the word "yes".

Helpful Tips

So, now you know how to become an administratorin "Windows 7", which means that you can fully manage system programs and services. But before making any changes in them, listen to the advice and notes of experienced users:

  • To quickly open the “Users and Groups” section, use the “Run” tool, and type the “lusmrg.msc” command in the appropriate field.
  • Never go under the "account" of the administrator, if you do not know what these or other system services and applications that you are going to disable are responsible for.
  • If you are an advanced "user", then, after working in your account with the rights of "admin", do not forget to disable it. This item is especially relevant when, besides you, an inexperienced person uses a computer.


Now, when the answer to the question is received:“How to become an administrator in Windows 7?”, On the welcome screen, you can select this account. However, remember that being in it all the time, that is, using it as the main "account" is highly undesirable.

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