The company Hinterland was released a terrific survival simulator, which literally throws a gamer into the harsh forests of Northern Canada. Left alone with the wild nature, a person must understand, of which he stands out from of which made. However, in severe northern conditions, the probability of death is very high, because the players are asked The question is: where are the conservation in The Long Dark?
Conditions in which it is necessary to struggle for a life,very harsh and as close to reality as possible. Here, the extreme shortage of foodstuffs adjoins the constant overwork, the risk of frostbite and the likelihood of dying from hunger or wildlife attacks. At the first lethal outcome from such a meeting, the question arises as to where the conservation lies in The Long Dark.
The game provides locations where theautomatic saving. Usually these are small houses, shelters, abandoned administrative buildings, where conservation takes place through the opening and closing of the door. These rooms are of great importance. Here, you can melt the stove-burzhuyku to keep warm or cook food. And also have beds - a healthy sleep contributes to rest.
In addition, if preserved, the room can leave the necessary drying Ingredients for crafting items.
Before explaining, Where lie the preservation of the plot The Long Dark, it should be noted that in some areas of the game area there are special places (caches), Where also it is provided for saving the game by pressing a key. They are called bunkers and appear randomly on the terrain.
Search for them purposefully to save the meaning, no - only to get hold of loot. Occasionally, the location of hiding placesvaries from session to session. Therefore, found in one place, he will not be there at the next passing of the game. In addition, you should be careful, because dangerous wolves are wandering around everywhere. And zazevavshiysya «survivor", hoping to find a bunker, can easily run into a hungry bear or a wolf.
The game was created as plausible as possible, but in reality one should not relax for a second in such a situation. After all, life will not be able to start playing again.
The session is also preserved by using numerous tactics and achievements. For this gamer should use the saved game with cheat, pass levels on complexity «wanderer", to study about 65% of the world, and also to keep within 131 days.
Conservation in The Long Dark traditionally lie in thethe root folder of the game. If you want to copy a file, you will need to proceed to the C: User directory USERNAME (or Admin) AppDataLocalLowHinterlandThe Long Dark.
Copying of save files, as a rule, is performed in three cases:
Generally, copying save files - quite common phenomenon. Many gamers who passed the project from and to, who collected tons loot, gladly share files, spreading them into the network.
Therefore, many people also have a question about where the conservation lies in The Long Dark. Someone resorts to the use of cheats, to pass the game without straining, and someone prefers to use ready-made save.
In the game there are a lot of variations of the craft of various things that contribute to survival in the harsh conditions of Northern Canada. A game though and as close to reality as possible, but developers warn that the «promise" is only for acquaintance and experimentation.
In other words, the game is «survivor", but still represents author's view of what is happening. In no case should you be guided by the knowledge gained from the game, finding yourself in the same situation as the heroes of The Long Dark.
"Where do conservation lie?" - the question will be inappropriate, because nature brutal and does not forgive mistakes.