/ / Factors of production and their types: management in the system of intra-production relations

Factors of production and their types: management in the system of intra-production relations

Management is a relativelyan independent type of activity whose goal is to achieve the goals of the business entity operating in market conditions through the use of all types of resources using a variety of principles and mechanisms of economic impact, primarily on the extensive factors of production development. Management is management activity in the conditions of the market, market economy.

Modern management theory, like otherfactors of production and their types at the level of intra-production relations are important for any national economy and as factors of the internationalization of production, since the market transformation of the economic mechanism requires careful study of world experience, strategies and management technologies at the level of the main business entities (enterprises) that is the main task of management. The necessity of cooperation of enterprises with foreign companies on world markets necessitates the application of management practice at all stages of the production and economic cycle.

Management methods, according to the statement - thisset of methods and means of influence of the enterprise management bodies on the management object in order to solve the pressing and strategic tasks of production activity. One classification distinguishes such factors of production and their types in management, as economic, resources of socio-psychological activity and administrative. On the other - they include also network (SPU), balance sheets, according to the third classification, ideological methods are added to these.

The methods of the first group are used most widely in management practice.

But as factors of production and their types, they have not yet found a common understanding of their essence in economic theory.

Some scientists rightly believe thatadministrative resources of management are carried out by the implementation of directives, orders and other requirements, including regulation (project management); rationing (application of norms and rules necessary for the implementation of management activities, setting standards); instruction (providing guidance on planning, accounting, etc.); administrative impacts aimed at changing some elements of the management system or in its entirety, in order to maintain the functioning of the specified programs and to ensure the established mode of operation of the management bodies. According to some statements, methods, based on the use of mandatory instructions and recommendations, refer to administrative ones. As factors of production and their types, these methods in the sphere of their operation are limited only by organizational and legal relations. From the point of view of a number of specialists, administrative methods are based on the aggregate of normative and legal acts of the country of the region, normative and directive, technical and methodological regulations of higher organizations, plans, programs, tasks, operational leadership (authorities). There is a rigid scheme of the hierarchical approach to management: at the top level, a managerial solution for the lower levels is formed, which for them is directive. At the same time, this approach provides a certain degree of freedom of decision-making in all levels of the lower level of management in relation to top-level management decisions. Optimization of decisions is carried out as a whole (or by stages) for the enterprise as a system. As a rule, such activities bring a systemic effect.

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