/ / Location and use of fragments of estus in Dark Souls 3

Location and use of fragments of estus in Dark Souls 3

A fragment of estus in Dark Souls 3 is a specialingredient, which allows to increase the volume of the jar with estus. Doing this, you can often restore the health of your hero or from time to time replenish the reserve of its concentration necessary for the use of spells and special abilities.

shard of estus dark souls 3

The problem is that the fragments are goodare hidden. Even completely passing the game, not the fact that you will find them all. But still, if you want to maximally pump out your jar, this article will help you in this difficult matter. From it you will learn how to get all the fragments of estus in Dark Souls 3, and also how to apply them later.


After passing through the Cemetery of the Ashes, you will enter the TempleFire - a special location, which is a kind of "base" of your hero. Here you will get acquainted with several characters who will introduce you to the course of everything that is happening, sell a couple of useful items and allow you to pump the level. Among them is a blacksmith named Andre, who tells you how to use the frag of estus in Dark Souls 3. He can also repair equipment and enchant weapons. In general, just an irreplaceable uncle.

shard of estus dark souls 3 how to use

So, having obtained the next fragment, return toTemple and go to the blacksmith. After that, select the line "Strengthen the flask with estus" in the dialog menu and confirm the action. That's all, the fragment disappeared from the inventory, and the maximum number of first-aid kits increased by one.

Also do not forget that Andre canredistribute the fragments between the usual and ashy estus. To do this, you again need to talk to him, but choose the line "Distribute estus". That's all, now you have studied the theory and can go in search.

Shards in the initial locations

You will find your first fragment of estus in DarkSouls 3 in the Temple of Fire. To do this, you need to go to the Tower, having previously purchased the key from the Servant, climb onto its top and jump off the bridge (approximately from the middle) onto one of the roofs. Then just go to the end of the roof, climb over it and take the splinter on one of the balconies.

In the area of ​​the Wall of Lautric, as soon asactivate the second fire, go down one level down and turn to the right. Go to the end of the roof and again go down, using the stairs. Now you should walk down the corridor until you are in a room with a couple of hollows and a dog. On the altar, located here, you will find the second shard.

shard of estusa dark souls 3 temple of fire

Once you are in Undead, noticeburning tree. Not far from it you will find the next fragment, which lies on the corpse of some poor fellow. Just be careful, because the hollow, praying side by side, sit here for a reason.

The next fragment is waiting for you in the Path of Victims location. You need to go around the chapel (from which the magician shoots) on the left side, deal with two lancers, jump down and search the dead man.

Opening the fire "Citronel Farrona" in the same nameLocation, go left until you meet slugs. Nearby will lie a corpse, having searched which, you will receive the next, already the fifth in a row, a fragment of estus in Dark Souls 3.

In endgeymovyh locations

So you got to the first endheim location- The Temple of the Depths. Here you are waited by more dangerous enemies, and also one more fragment of estus in Dark Souls 3. It should be looked for near the chapel with the second fire. A guide will serve as a group of hollow, praying near some obelisk.

But in the location of Smoldering Lake Shard will be foundvery difficult. You need to move to the fire "The Antechamber of the Old King" and knock the weapon on the walls. One of them is illusory, so that it will disappear after the impact. The passage that opens behind it will take you to a secret room.

In the Garden of the Snoring King you will have to sweat.First, teleport to the "Dancer" fire, then climb up the stairs and turn left. Get on the elevator and, before he goes down to the very bottom, jump onto the small platform. The splinter lies on the corpse.

Traveling around Anor Londo, turn your back to the fog leading to Aldrick. To your right will be a ladder, and behind it you will find a chest with yet another splinter.

In the Iritilla Dungeon, you will pass through a bridge guarded by crossbowmen. Behind him you will find a room with a chest, which will be a mimicry. Kill the monster and get the splinter as a reward.

And finally, the last fragment of the estus in Dark Souls 3 you will find in the Locri Castle. Climb to the roof of the Great Archive and find it near three angels.

Helpful Tips

And finally, a few tips and interesting facts related to the fragments:

  • In total you can get 15 charges for your canteen. This is easy to calculate, adding to the four starting charges, 11 more received in the game.
  • Splinters can be collected in any order.
  • In the game there is an achievement "Absolute estus". You will receive it as soon as you find all 11 fragments.

dark souls 3 fragment of estus

Also remember that in Dark Souls 3 a fragment of estus is not a thing that is mandatory for passing. You can completely complete the game with the starting charges of the jar.

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