/ What is site layout? Tabular and block layout: differences

What is site layout? Tabular and block layout: differences

The process of creating a website is very laborious and requiresavailability of certain knowledge in the field of programming and considerable time. The birth of any site begins with the rendering of its layout by the designer, then the finished layout is sent to the layout. This process should be disassembled in more detail.

To answer the question about what such a layout is, certain terms will help.

A site is a collection of electronic files or documents belonging to one owner (an individual or an organization) located in a network and united under a single IP address or domain name.

Website layout is the formation of its web pages in a text editor using the hypertext markup language.

Web page builder is an expert in layout, engaged in the layout of text, graphics and other types of information on the page of the document (page of the site).

HTML - the main language of hypertext markuppages on the Internet. The basis of this language is a set of elements enclosed on both sides in the tag (opening and closing), each element has its own attributes that determine its basic properties. The attribute is always specified in the opening tag.

In simpler terms, the task of the layout designeris to translate all elements of the site page into a language that is accessible to any Internet browser. In this case, the page displayed in the browser should be externally as close as possible to the design layout.

What is the layout of a site using tables?

Any document translated into HTML,is a collection of certain elements enclosed in tags. A few years ago most of the sites were typed using tables. The page code was very cumbersome and difficult to read. It was difficult to make any changes in the course of further work on the page. In addition, the Internet browser treats the table as a single object, so the display of its contents begins only after it is fully downloaded to the computer. This is especially noticeable for those users whose Internet speed leaves much to be desired. Currently, the HTML spreadsheet is used extremely rarely. Despite this, each layout designer should know its basics, for example, at least in order to be able to make any adjustments to the code written several years earlier by his predecessor working on creating the site.

What is website layout using blocks?

Block layout of the site, using the div element, has its advantages and disadvantages. Its main advantages include:

  • the simplicity of the code, its readability and compactness;
  • the opportunity to realize the most intricate solutions of the designer;
  • fast loading of the site page in the browser.

Code written with blocks is more easyedit in the future, it is convenient to change the design of the pages of the site. At the same time, there is no need to correct the HTML code itself. All changes are made to a separately created CSS file.

Completely understand the layout of the fact thatsuch a layout of the site with the help of blocks, allows knowledge and application of the technology of cascading style sheets (CSS) in its work. CSS is a separate formal language used to describe the appearance of a website page. Thus, by creating a common frame of the page in HTML, the layout designer begins to work on its design (defining the background of the page, giving different colors to its elements, placing the pictures, scaling them, etc.) using cascading style sheets.

Perhaps in time there will be an even more new andmore compact way of page layout of sites. In the meantime, work-based printers everywhere have to answer the question about what site layout is with the help of blocks and what are its advantages.

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