Audit and audit are engaged in the study of one andthe same subject - financial and economic activities - using uniform methodological methods and procedures of financial and economic control. With the help of their instruments, most of the negative phenomena in the functioning of an economic entity are detected with a view to their elimination and prevention in future
Control and audit use only sources of necessary information - primary accounting documentation, balance sheet and other reporting of business entities, accounting registers.
However, between the above conceptssignificant differences. Thus, audit is an independent financial and economic control that is chosen by the manager voluntarily with a specific formulation of the questions put to the study to obtain reliable conclusions for the purpose of improving its operations, accounting, marketing and on-farm control.
Control and audit of financial and economicactivities study the object in dynamics after the implementation of certain economic processes. A common characteristic for both audit and audit is the justification of the conclusions on the evidence, documented. The revealed violations and shortcomings of the legislation, which are responsible for the regulation of economic activities, are targeted in terms of legal and material responsibility. In addition, audit, control and audit are based on specificity and targeting in determining the amount of damage, loss and shortage of values.
In the production process there is movementfixed assets. Control and audit of fixed assets begins with the analysis and verification planned at the enterprise for the acquisition of fixed assets, as well as the implementation of capital investments and the commissioning of updated production facilities. The auditor evaluates the system for planning the receipt of fixed assets with the validity of such plans. He uses the mechanisms of comparing the volume of capital investments with a certain increase in the volume of finished goods and labor productivity.