/ / Dark Souls 2, Temple of Amana: description and passage of the location

Dark Souls 2, Temple of Amana: description and passage of the location

The game "Dark Souls 2" is aA virtual world in which fictional characters fight. One of the most difficult areas is the Temple of Amana. This article describes in detail how to go through it, as well as what enemies and dangers await the character in it. Have a good game!

dark souls 2 amana temple


In Dark Souls 2 the Temple of Amana is aThe destroyed location, in which all the buildings have practically collapsed. Moreover, an important key point and difference of this territory is that it is semi-submerged. This affects the movement - the character slows down.

When passing, you can find four bonfires.Location in Dark Souls 2 The temple of Amana (how to get there, described below) is complicated, so you need to prepare for the fact that it will have to go through more than once.

dark souls 2 temple amans how to get

Enemies in the location

After the passing of the second player's bonfire,will persecute the priestesses of Amana. They use a spell with inimitable arrows, from which it is almost impossible to evade. Therefore, a character who is designed for close combat, will suffer the most. To fight the priestesses, it is enough to use a shield that protects from magic. And to kill them most easily from a large onion, which knocks down.

In addition to priestesses, one can stumble upon clericsArchdragon and lizard people. The latter do not attack if they hear a special song. But to approach them is not necessary, otherwise the fight can not be avoided anyway. Their torches are also annoying, so they always attack their wearer with a fierce attack.

Clerics in Dark Souls 2 (Temple of Amana) - enoughstrong rivals. They are hardy, and even run away from them will be difficult, because to knock down (so you can stop the attack), enemies are very difficult. In order to win the battle with them, you need to wait for the termination of the attack series (as a rule, they make three hits at once), after which you can collect all your forces and go into a counteroffensive. This will be decisive in the battle.

dark souls 2 amana temple door


In order to enter the Temple of Amana, it is necessarykill the mirror knight, then walk a little and go down the elevator. After passing through a crowd of magicians, the character is in the necessary territory.

Near certain places there are chests in locationsgame Dark Souls 2. Temple of Amana is no exception, so you should activate the fire, and then go down to the house. In doing so, it should be bypassed from the right side, because there will be a chest there. After its opening it is necessary to go through the house and go to the cave. It will be immediately visible, so there will be no problems with the search.

If you carefully inspect the territory, you canto find a fire. It should be kindled. And then we must move from the fire to the passage through the temple, which is destroyed. After these actions, you should go into the house. Here it is possible (at will) to call a phantom. Enemies should be killed at a distance, otherwise one can stumble upon hardy knights and lose a life.

After passing the distance in the fog, the character will come tocave. There will be a fire, and it should be lit. The dispute must be killed, but again from a distance. The fact is that in Dark Souls 2 the Temple of Amana is rich in enemies that can easily destroy the character. For example, spores corrode armor with their smoke.

Dealing with them, you need to get out of the house and goTo another room, which is located on the left. There's a boss here. After his murder, you should stick to the right side of the entrance. You have to go to the tower through the ruined temple. By activating the fire, which is located in this area, you need to open the door with patterns. After passing through this location in Dark Souls 2 (the Temple of Amana), the door to the Crypt of the Undead will open automatically.

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