/ / How to change the screen resolution to "Windows 7": complete instructions

How to change the screen resolution to "Windows 7": full instructions

So, today we will try to deal with you,How to change the screen resolution to "Windows 7". In fact, there are so many options for the development of events. And that's why we'll deal with you every case that can only concern the scaling on the computer. After all, you can change the screen resolution of "Windows 7" in many ways. Here and games, and the browser, and system settings, and images. Let's start studying the matter as soon as possible.

how to change screen resolution to windows 7

For pictures

Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that we'll see how to change the screen resolution to "Windows 7" while viewing pictures or photos. In fact, this is a rather interesting and simple question.

If you decide to increase the viewedimage, then it's enough to just spin the mouse wheel. The same is done to reduce the size. In the direction of "from yourself" - increase, "on yourself" - decrease. Nothing difficult. However, the system settings will remain the same.

To change the scale of the picture as a whole,resort to additional applications. For example, Picture Manager. It opens a graphic file, then select "Edit" - "Resize". Change settings, save - and all problems are solved.


Now you need to think about how to change the resolutionscreen on "Windows 7" when working on the Internet. This is a very important topic that worries many users. Nevertheless, there are a lot of alternative approaches. Which ones? Now we learn about them.

change screen resolution windows 7

Сразу стоит отметить, что при increase / decrease the scale in the browser system settings "OSes" remain the same. That is, all the desktop icons and other elements will not change their size. Changes only affect the browser. Now you can see what will suit us.

If you are thinking how to change the screen resolutionon "Windows 7" in the browser, you can press Ctrl, and then rotate the mouse wheel. "From yourself" - increases the size, "by yourself" - reduces. Nothing difficult. In addition, holding the same key, you can try to press on the "+" and "-" on the numeric keypad on the right. They, respectively, increase and decrease the scale. You can also go to the browser settings and see the "Display" or "Zoom" section there. Set the value in percent, and then save the changes. That's all. Nothing difficult or special. Even the novice user can handle this task. Well, we got with you to the question of how to change the screen resolution to "Windows 7" during the game.


Now we will consider with you our question from the point ofview, suitable for the so-called gamers. It is important for them to know how to change the screen resolution to "Windows 7", without leaving the toy. This parameter, as a rule, is very important when displaying graphics.

how to change screen resolution to windows 7 maximum

Стоит отметить, что и тут системные настройки will not be affected. Instead, all the changes affect only the game. And the one in which you are at the moment. Start the application, and then visit the so-called options. In them, find the "Graphics" section or the already existing "Resolution" item. Put the necessary numbers there and save the changes. That's all - the problems are solved. But now it is worth discussing with you a more interesting and important question for the operating system.

For the system

We will try to answer how to change the screen resolution to "Windows 7". The maximum, home or any other version - it does not matter. After all, all the settings in them are absolutely identical.

To cope with the task, simplyclick on the free space on your desktop with the right mouse button. Now select "Resolution" from the menu that opens. Before you pop a window in which you will move a special slider. It is he who is responsible for the system configuration of the scale. That's all. Expose what is right for you, and then save the changes. No problems or incomprehensible moments.

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