/ / How in "Instagram" answer the comment and address to a specific user?

How in "Instagram" to answer the comment and refer to a specific user?

Social networks have long been part of ourlife. They have long ceased to be just a means of communication or finding old friends, as was the case with "Classmates." Now this is a great way of expressing yourself and sharing a part of your life with other people. In order to learn the news from the life of this or that person, now you do not need to arrange personal meetings or look for his phone number. Just look at his profile in one of the social networks, if there is his account.

For a long time at the height of popularity remained"VKontakte" and Facebook. By the principle of work, these two resources are not much different. They allowed to correspond with other users, listen to audio recordings, videos, join or create communities of interest and, of course, upload photos. However, with the advent of "Instagram" many photo lovers switched to it. Today we will get acquainted with this network more closely and learn how to reply to the comment in "Instagram".

Why "Instagram"?

While the developers of popular social networksthought about what other function "to shove" into their "brainchild", the creators of "Instagram", on the contrary, simplified to a minimum the viewing of photos. And the network itself is more like a large electronic photo album, where you can put your favorite photos and short videos. In order to view photos of an interesting person, it's enough just to visit her profile. Of course, provided that the account is open. In the opposite case, you have to send a subscription request. You can make the same manipulations with your account, as well as subscribe to friends or, for example, world-class stars, who also did not bypass the "Instagram" side, publishing interesting footage from life and work day after day for their subscribers.

To share current events, creators"Insta" was introduced function "snap". This posts (photos and small video), which do not linger in the profile memory. They can be watched only by your subscribers and only within 24 hours. By the way, from some subscribers you can even hide one or another "snap". But what about the comments? How in "Instagram" to answer the comment?

as in the reply to the comment

Correspondence in Direct

Is in "Instagram" and built-in mail forthe name Direct. Here you can correspond with your subscribers, and also share posts that interest you. Suppose you sent a normal text message. How to respond in "Instagram"? Swipe from right to left, and you will see the entire history of correspondence. Tap on the user who is about to reply and enter the message in the box at the bottom of the screen. Immediately, you can attach an additional photo and send it to the selected user. How to respond to a person in the "Instagram", we figured out, but what to do with the comments?

how to respond to a user in an instagram

Comments "Instagram"

As in any other social network, here you areyou can evaluate other people's photos by clicking on "heart", and also comment posts. If you take as an example the profile of some famous person, then under each new photo you can observe thousands of comments. But what can we say about celebrities, even if in an unremarkable profile a company of friends can arrange a discussion of a topic. If you encountered similar situations, then for sure you had a question, as in "Instagram" to answer the comment to some particular person. After all, you want him to understand that your reasoning is the answer to him, and not to another user.

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How to respond to the user in "Instagram"?

Developers of this social network provided forsuch an outcome of events. Now it is not necessary to write an introduction about the person to whom your message is dedicated. And your opponent will not have to constantly monitor if they did not answer anything. In order to mention a particular person in the comments, it is enough to refer to it by writing a @ sign in front of the comment and immediately indicating the nickname of that person. For example, you want to answer (or simply address) Vanya Ivanov under the name ivanovvanechka and tell him that he is wrong. Then your comment should look something like this: "@ivanovvanechka, you're wrong". Of course, the quotes are not needed. Then this person will receive a notification that he was answered.

Immediately there is a lot of indignation from users about the fact that you need to manually enter a nickname each time. But this can be avoided.

how to respond in instagramme

How to respond in "Instagram" ("Android") without entering the nickname manually?

This is possible, if in comments undera certain post this person has already participated. To do this, open the entire dialog, click on the selected user and do not rush to release the finger. There will also be a "Reply" function, when you click on that, the nick with the corresponding sign will appear automatically, and you will only have to finish your idea addressed to him. If the user does not flit in the comments, you'll have to write a nickname by hand, but here "Instagram" will offer its help by submitting variants from your subscriptions.

how to answer a person in an instagram

The version of "Instagram" for PC

Not many users know that "Instagram" is notonly a mobile application, it also has a web version, but its capabilities are much limited. As for the comments - they can also be forwarded, but you will not be able to see the whole dialogue, and you will have to type the nickname, because the address response function will no longer be here.

That's all of what you need to learn about how to respond to the comment in Instagram. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. Pleasant communication with friends and subscribers!

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