/ / Computer games, characters. "The walking Dead"

Computer games, characters. "The walking Dead"

Often people are interested in various fictionalcharacters. "Walking Dead" is the topic of our today's article. It's about a game created based on the famous series. So first we will talk about the original storyline, and then we'll list the characters.

How it all began

characters walking dead
Production of the series "Walking Dead" beganin the middle of 2010. The action takes place in the state of Georgia, where the city of Atlanta is located. So, let's look at the features of the tape "Walking Dead". The characters of the series will surely surprise you. But about them a little later. In the next sections of this material, a complete list of characters will be presented.

"Walking dead" is a very unusual project,because it is completely saturated with fear. It all started after an unknown infection entered the city. Many residents of a small settlement began to gradually turn into zombies. Over time, they became more and more. A small group of people, you have to not only fight with a huge number of monsters, but also survive in this environment. The main role in the story is reserved for a brave man named Rick Grimes. Previously, he was a policeman. Now he became the leader of a whole group of survivors. Rick Grimes will have to save his family, which is in grave danger, and it is at this time that he will be able to understand once and for all that a man is much more dangerous than living dead.

A great popularity was gained by those participating in theplot the characters. "Walking Dead" is a project known today to millions of people. One like the movie, the other - the game. If you want to participate in this process as a character, you have to show real stamina, and fight for survival among the dead and people who are in the group. Next, all the characters will be named. "Walking dead" is a game that will not let you tear yourself away from it for an instant.

Developing Telltale Games

walking dead characters
The game repeats the plot of the film, and somecharacters are also transferred from there. First of all, we will meet the Everett family, which consists of Lee, Mrs. and Mrs., who have the appropriate surname. Also, the main characters include Clementine, Ed and Diana. Among the Atlanteans in the game world, Andre and Chet deserve to be mentioned. There are several characters that are not so important, but they will not work without them. In the course of adventure, we will also meet Sandra, Herschel, Sean Green, Keny, Duck, Katya, survivors from the Everett pharmacy, assistants from Macon, students of the "Stone Mountain" school and other characters. "Walking Dead" is an exciting game with an unusual storyline. But it is not the only one of its kind.

Characters: "Walking Dead" by Survival Instinct

list of characters walking dead
There is also another game with a similartitle. It was created by Survival Instinct. The characters here are represented by the Dixon family, which consists of Deril and Merle. Also we will meet with two survivors from the forest - this is Jess and Buck. Georgia in this case is represented by Lester, Warren, Jimmy and Kuster. We also have to deal with Ash from Sherwood.

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