/ / Instructions, as in the "Word" make the A5 format

Instructions, as in the "Word" make the A5

Ordinary users who usethe Microsoft Word program, often use it for future printing of the document on A4 sheets. It is this format that is used in the program by default. But these same users, perhaps, do not know that you can use other formats in your favorite text editor.

how to make a5 in Word

In the article presented, it will be discussed,as in the "Word" make the A5 format. It will be told about two ways that are not very different from each other, but they perfectly replace themselves. In any case, as a result of reading the article, you will understand how to make the A5 format in the "Vord" 2010, 2013 and 2016 release. By the way, the instruction will be applicable to previous versions of the program, however some elements of the interface may be slightly different: to have a different location on the toolbar or graphic display.

Template Selection

As mentioned above, in the article we will understand howin the "Word" make the format of A5 in two ways. The first will imply the use of a preset, which will automatically set the desired width and height dimensions. So, let's go directly to the instruction:

  1. Run the program. It is desirable to do this with a new document, without opening the previously created one, since all the information that is entered can be shifted after the format change.

  2. Click on the "Page layout" tab. Please note that the tab has this name in the versions of the program 2007, 2010 and 2013, in the version of 2016 the tab is referred to as the "Layout".

  3. Click the arrow located in the "Advanced Options" tool group in the lower right corner. Note that in the 2013 and 2016 versions, the tool group is called "Page Setup."

  4. In the unfolded window, click on the "Paper Size" tab.

  5. Click on the "Paper Size" drop-down list.

  6. Choose A5 format.

  7. Click OK.

how to make the a5 format in Word 2010

After all the manipulations you have done, you will see that the sheet on the 100% scale has significantly decreased, which means that you have done everything right and now you understand how to make the A5 format in the Vord.

Manually entering parameters

If you do not follow the previous instructionscould, in view of the fact that they simply could not find the "A5" item in the drop-down list, then the second way how to make a book of A5 format in the "Word" will help you achieve the task.

Initially, you need to go to the already familiar "Page Setup" window. For this:

  1. Open the program.

  2. Go to the "Layout" tab ("Word" in 2016) or "Page Layout" ("Word" 2007-2013).

  3. Click on the arrow in the "Page Setup" tool group ("Word" 2013-2016) or "Additional Options" ("Words" 2007-2010).

how to make a book of the a5 format in the Word

So, in the window that appears, go to the "Paper Size" tab. It is in this tab that you can set the format manually by entering the width and height of the sheet in the appropriate fields.

Next, to make the format of the sheet A5, you need to enter the value in the field "Width" 14.8 cm, and "Height" - 21 cm. After that, feel free to click the "OK" button.

Why is there no A5 in the list?

You already know how to make the A5 format in the "Word"but at last I would like to explain why the drop-down list sometimes does not have this format. On the business itself, everything is simple, it is installed independently only in cases where a printer of this format was once connected to the computer.

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