All sooner or later thought about the fact thatsomeday, in the distant future, there will come a time when the person will begin to reflect the emotions and feelings experienced. All the smiles and sorrows will be "remembered" in the form of small furrows on a once smooth and fresh, young face. And now, this time has come so suddenly that we meet him completely confused, not knowing how to bring back the youth leaving youth.
How to get rid of these unpleasant "witnesses"withering of the skin? Fortunately, modern technologies in the fields of medicine - cosmetology and surgery - have sufficiently developed to the extent that this problem can be solved. In this article, I propose to consider possible options for prolonging the youth of the person.
Understand the causes of wrinkles
Correction of facial wrinkles is the main problemwomen in the age of 25 years. More often after this age, women notice on their face a manifestation of fine wrinkles. The reasons for their occurrence are diverse, and depend on many factors, the main among which are the way of life, the propensity for bad habits and the surrounding environmental situation. Poor health can also negatively affect the youthfulness of the face, so you should examine the body and reconsider your lifestyle before you start fighting with facial wrinkles. After all, without finding the main reasons for their early occurrence, with facial wrinkles, you can fight endlessly and in vain in various ways, with the exception of surgical intervention.
Wrinkle Correction Options
Correction of facial wrinkles can occurin several ways. For a long-term effect, it is best to use a complex system, the stages of which will consolidate the result of each other. Correction of facial wrinkles is one of the most difficult because you are still, as before, continue to smile, reflect on your face different emotions, which again and again contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. This does not mean that it is necessary to "put on the mask" of a stone, non-emotional person, this only means that the problem should be treated with due responsibility and diligence.
Correction of facial wrinkles can occur with the help of cosmetics, and maybe with the help of surgical intervention.
Cosmetic solutions
Cosmetic drugs that helpreduce in size facial wrinkles, usually contain a high level of collagen, which fills them, soaking in the skin. Collagen fills the cells of the epidermis, which are deformed, and in this way reduces their manifestation on the face. However, this procedure has a number of drawbacks. For example, collagen in a very small percentage is absorbed into the epidermis, and depending on the depth of wrinkles, it can simply not give effect. However, correction of fine wrinkles with collagen can be quite suitable, since it is able to soak up in small amounts in the skin and act. The next disadvantage of the cream-collagen is the fragility of the effect. Unfortunately, magic means does not exist, their effect is temporary: while using the cream - wrinkles are not present, have stopped using the cream - wrinkles appeared again.
The same happens with eye correction, whose skinoriginally very thin and prone to wrinkles. To get rid of small wrinkles under the eyes, you can use a collagen cream, but it will not work if you have begun to struggle with facial wrinkles late.
Cosmetic and surgical intervention
To get rid of the deepest wrinkles, orif you are interested in long-term action, you can resort to surgery, which can be divided into two types: the first is directly with the scalpel, which will help remove the sagging skin. The second type - injections of botox or similar drugs that are injected under the skin, crystallize and thus "fill" wrinkles. Their action is limited to an average of 6 months, after this procedure will need the following to resume the effect.
Thus, there are plenty of opportunitiescorrection of mimic wrinkles, but the best of them is to “delay” the time of their appearance with the help of a healthy lifestyle. The less stress - the less wrinkles awaits you in the future. Smile more often!