/ / Well-groomed legs - beautiful pedicure!

Well-groomed legs - beautiful pedicure!

Hands and feet - a business card of a woman.Psychologists have long noted the fact that, looking at a woman, a man, first of all, draws attention to her hands and feet, and only then on the face and other parts of the body. And if the nails on the arms or legs are untidy, broken, then no matter how good-looking a woman is, she will not make a proper impression on an intelligent man.

Advantages of a pedicure

beautiful pedicure
A neat, beautiful pedicure is the best decorationfemale legs. On such legs and shoes, the open looks elegant. However, besides the aesthetic, the pedicure also performs important sanitary and hygienic functions:

  • During the execution of the relevant proceduresthe general condition of the skin on the soles is checked, it is possible to detect cracks, calluses, rubs and start to treat them in time. Thus, a number of unpleasant skin diseases can be avoided.
  • A beautiful pedicure involves the timely cleaning and treatment of nails, which will not allow them to grow into the body and cause unpleasant pain.
  • Before pedicure work specialfoot bath antiseptic and softening effect, which positively affects the skin and nail plates. Thus, the nails get the necessary moisturizing and nourishment, which helps to fight their stratification, makes the nails stronger and stronger.
  • A beautiful pedicure made with varnishes, notonly looks effective, but also performs protective functions, covering the nail plates, not allowing them to enter pathogenic bacteria, preventing stratification and brittleness.
  • The result is obvious - the nails are healthy, strong, smooth.

Advantages of professional pedicure

Beautiful Pedicure Photo
A modern woman, naturally able to herselfmake yourself a manicure, and a pedicure. It will turn out at her it is quite professional. However, it is better to make a beautiful pedicure with the hands of a master. The whole process consists of a number of stages:

  • Procedures for softening the coarse, calloused layers of the skin and removing them.
  • Treatment and treatment of deformed nail surfaces.
  • Prevention and treatment of corns and fungal diseases.
  • Cuticle removal, foot massage and stimulation of energy points-centers located on the feet. This procedure is very effective for the whole body.
  • On request - gel pedicure, pedicure hardware, SPA pedicure. Each type of pedicure is different for its medical and technical features and is useful in its own way to the feet and nails.

gel pedicure

What is a gel pedicure

This coating the nail plate with gel and forming it under this coating. Modern gel technology helps solve many problems:

  • Hide the imperfection of natural nails, if they are with an uneven surface, stained or excessively brittle.
  • Cope with the curvature of the nail plates or their escape from the nail bed.
  • Correct the wrong shape of the nail.

It is done such a manicure only on the thumb -The rest of the nails on the legs are not suitable for this. are too small. But it can be decorated with paintings, rhinestones and other attributes of nail art. A beautiful pedicure, the photo of which can be seen in different versions, will visually show all its advantages.

Lovely ladies, always be gorgeous and fully armed from the top of your head to the tips of your toenails. And let your men admire your feet with pleasure!

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