/ / Mask against black dots, which will make your skin clean for a long time

Mask against black dots, which will make your skin clean for a long time

We all dream of a beautiful and healthy skin, but, toUnfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly care for yourself, and how to clean your face of black points. You can go to the beauty salon, where you will be cleansed, you can clean the skin with ultrasound. And you can try and deal with black dots on your own.

The mask against black dots is prepared very easily at home. It will suit everyone - both women and men. Such a mask will also be useful in adolescence.

mask against black dots
Такая маска против черных точек рекомендуется, even if you have couperose, an allergy or other skin problems. This procedure is as gentle as possible, neat and painless. You can do it once a week. The mask against black dots is an effective tool for dealing with them, which has virtually no contraindications.

Let's learn to make such a mask.

The procedure itself consists of several stages, which are very important.

Stage one. Washing

Take oatmeal finely ground (1 tsp.), the same amount of pea flour and powdered milk (can be replaced with high-quality infant formula). Stir. Add a little warm boiled water to the mixture and wash your face with it.

Stage two. Pore ​​opening

In the pot pour the usual pharmacy chamomile(you can use thyme or lavender), pour boiling water over it and put it on a small fire under a closed lid. Tom 5-10 minutes. After that, remove the dish from the heat and leave the chamomile for 15 minutes without opening the lid. There should be condensation.

When the daisy is worn out, take a bigtowel, make him a "tent" over the saucepan and steam out the pores. The steam bath time should not exceed 5-10 minutes with normal and oily skin, and with dry and sensitive skin - 2-3 minutes.

Important!!! If you have couperosis or other serious skin problems, it is not recommended to make such a bath! Just skip this step.

Stage three. Cooking mask

We take black activated carbon and rub itin flour. Then pour gelatin (1 tbsp. L.) Into a glass bowl and dilute it with a tablespoon of warm boiled water. Add activated carbon powder and some milk. All mix well.

Put this mixture in a water bath and hold until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Should make a thick gruel.

Take a brush and apply the first layer on the back and wings of the nose. The second strip is applied to the middle of the forehead and chin area.

Important!!! Do not put a mask under the eyes and on the delicate skin of the cheeks!

When the first layer dries, apply the second and third.

When the mask against the black dots dry, carefully remove it.

The final stage. Close pores

Beat the protein of one egg, add concentrated lemon juice, mix and apply to those zones that have been cleaned. We are waiting until complete drying and wash our face with warm boiled water.

Such procedures are best done in the evening. After them you can not apply the cream, and even more makeup. The skin should rest at least six hours.

We learned how to get rid of black dots,And now let's talk about another problem, which, unfortunately, is familiar to many. How to treat acne? Almost every fourth teenager or adult faces them. Another name for acne is acne, or acne. Why does our body affect this disease, and how to cope with it?

Во-первых, наш внешний вид напрямую зависит от ecology, as well as from foods and drinks that we consume. Secondly - from physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Thirdly - from our well-being and mood.

Many people do not think about the harm they cause to their bodies by eating high-calorie foods, alcohol, and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Therefore, in the treatment of acne is strongly recommended:

- spend more time in clean air;

- exclude from the diet fatty and sweet foods, as well as sugar, coffee, alcohol;

- lead a healthy lifestyle.

Foods to eat during treatment:

- dairy products;

- soybean;

- fresh vegetables and fruits;

- nuts;

- cauliflower and broccoli;

- citrus;

- pineapple and melon;

- red and green pepper.

healthy food
Also, take care of your hygiene: wash only with warm boiled water, use cosmetics that do not contain oily oils, do not squeeze pimples (scars can remain).

There is another remedy - it is sulfur ointment for acne. It softens and removes hardened skin cells, is an excellent antiseptic and antifungal agent.

Sulfuric ointment
Apply it in the treatment of acne, scabies, dermatitis. First you need to clean and dry the skin, then apply a thin layer of ointment. You can not wash it off day.

Contraindications to ointment application

In the category of those who can not use this tool, children under three years, people with allergies. Pregnant and lactating women can use it only as prescribed by a doctor.

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