/ What is laser facial peeling?

What is laser facial peeling?

Of course, many people want to keepelasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Yes, the natural aging process of the body can hardly be stopped, but modern cosmetology can slow it down. For example, to date, a special popularity was acquired by laser facial peeling. This technique is quite a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. So with what problems will help to cope with laser skin resurfacing and how does the procedure look like?

Laser facial peeling - what is the essence of the technique?

laser face peeling price

This technique is indeed veryeffective means of rapid facial rejuvenation. The essence of it is quite simple - under the influence of laser beams, "evaporation" of the upper skin layers, namely the dead particles of the epidermis. But this effect does not end there.

The fact is that during the procedure light rayspenetrate deep layers of the skin, working on specific cells that produce elastic fibers. As you can see, laser facial peeling allows not only to clean the surface of the skin, but also to activate the synthesis of its own collagen, which, in turn, leads to a noticeable lifting. By the way, the maximum effect from such therapy can be seen not immediately - tissue rejuvenation is slow, for two to three months.

Who needs laser facial peeling?

Undoubtedly, this technique is used in the firstturn in order to cleanse the skin and remove dead cells. Nevertheless, the procedure is recommended for patients aged no less than 25 years. Laser grinding is designed for tightening and rejuvenation - with its help you can get rid of fine wrinkles and make less visible the larger brow and nasolabial folds.

laser face peeling
In addition, this technique can eliminate skin defects, including scars, scars, marks from burns and acne, as well as moles and warts.

Skin polishing, as a rule, does not take muchtime - the procedure lasts about an hour. To eliminate soreness, local anesthetics are used. It is worth to prepare for the fact that immediately after the peeling on the skin there are redness and a slight swelling. Such "side effects" are considered perfectly normal and pass on their own after 3 to 7 days. Some women note the increased sensitivity of the facial skin, which, however, also quickly disappears.

Laser face peeling and rehabilitation period

laser peeling face contraindications
Apparently, the rehabilitation period does not takea lot of time - patients can almost immediately return to the usual rhythm of life. On the other hand, in the first 2-3 months the treated areas need to be protected from ultraviolet irradiation, since otherwise the risk of pigmented spots formation is high. To this end, doctors appoint special creams with protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Laser facial peeling: contraindications

This technique is one of the mostsafe, but even here there are some contraindications. In particular, laser resurfacing is not recommended in the presence of inflammatory skin diseases - in such cases, appropriate therapy is required first. Do not perform the procedure also for women during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications include diabetes, epilepsy and some other diseases.

In any case, many people are suitable laserface peeling - the price here is quite acceptable, and the risk of complications is minimal. And, as evidenced by the reviews of patients in cosmetology clinics, rejuvenation with a laser is really effective.

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