The condition of the hair is a kind of businesscards of any girl. You can be superbly painted and dressed, but if the hair does not look well-groomed, the elegant image can be considered spoiled.
Interestingly, to care for yourself is not necessaryuse expensive means. For example, linseed oil for hair, reviews about which are positive, can afford everyone. And the effect when properly applied can be better salon.
Flax oil for hair - reviews do not lie!
This remedy is used in treatment and care along with burdock and castor oils. It has an excellent regenerating effect, moisturizes well, and also promotes rapid growth.
Before talking about external application, it is worthsay a few words about internal use. Yes, yes, linseed oil for hair growth should also be drunk - about 1 tsp. right before breakfast or during it. It will launch inside the body special processes, thanks to which the length of your head of hair will soon begin to increase. And in general for health and beauty (skin including) this product is incredibly useful. Many women have already seen this.
Flax oil for hair. Application
With regard to external use, the optionsthere is a mass here. Linseed oil for hair (reviews are very enthusiastic), as already mentioned, are used to enhance growth. To begin with, it is better to warm it up slightly, checking the comfortable temperature with your finger. Then comb your hair well and rub the oil in the dry roots. Strengthen the effect of the cellophane cap and towel. It is better to conduct such procedures twice in 7 days during a month. The duration of each of them should be about 30-40 minutes.
If you suffer from dandruff, then flaxseed oilfor hair (reviews say about the remarkable effect) will help you with this problem to cope. If your scalp is oily, use the product without additional additives or with essential oils of grapefruit / eucalyptus (2-3 drops). If you notice dryness, it is better to rub the mixture of linseed and burdock oil in equal proportions with the addition of essential oils ylang-ylang / lavender. The course of treatment should also be about a month or a month and a half.
Many young women suffer because of dry tips,whose condition is particularly worsening in the winter. Flax oil will be an excellent tool for giving shine to your hair. It can be used both "alone" and in a mixture with burdock oil and castor oil.
In addition to the mask, you can take care of hair andafter the procedure of washing the head. But for this, the product should be mixed with water, poured into an atomizer, shaken and sprinkled a little on the hair. Oil in the water does not dissolve, but shaking will make it less fat. This product has a good effect on the appearance of the hair, contributes to easy laying. Especially it is useful for curls - they will be more shiny and elastic.
Use linseed oil for hair regularly, and very soon you will notice that they have become more beautiful, and most importantly - healthy.