/ / Best masks against acne in the home

The best masks against acne in the home

The best means that will save you fromproblems with oily skin, are masks. They have a positive effect on the skin and with proper application guarantee a good result. One condition that must be followed is regular use. If you do them once a month, then, of course, you will not achieve anything. As a rule, masks recommend applying one, and preferably two times a week. No less and no more.

masks against acne in the home

Masks against acne in the home will be returnedyour skin health, and you self-confidence. In order to find the perfect tool, you will have to experiment and try many recipes. Some of them will suit you, others will be useless.

Home anti-acne masks are advantageousfrom the store so that you always know what they are made of, they contain only natural ingredients, and they are used immediately after manufacturing.

Deep Cleansing Mask

Against pimples and blackheads, the followingmask. You will need a teaspoon of olive oil, two egg whites, a tablespoon of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey. Mix thoroughly. Before applying, add the lemon juice. This mask is ideal for dry skin on which pimples have appeared.

Oriental mask

Stressed skin can be restored whenfruit. In this case, you need a ripe persimmon and egg white. Of these ingredients, you need to make a uniform mush. Add to it a tablespoon of milk and two tablespoons of a nutritious cream. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 25 minutes.

home masks against acne

We fight with a fat shine

One of the main problems of problem skin isgreasy shine. You can get rid of it with a mask. For her, we boil rice without salt. When the foam appears on the water, we remove the last. Then mix it with rice flour. We put on the face like a cream. Keep the mask for half an hour. Similar masks against acne in the home are very effective.

Anti-Aging Mask

A spoonful of lime honey, milk and oatmeal are mixed well. Apply to the face with light movements. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

Drying mask

Deep cleansing mask for acne

Many masks against acne in the homehave a drying effect. Half a teaspoon of salt and baking soda, a tablespoon of soapy water are mixed and applied to the face. The mask is left to dry completely. It is recommended for oily and combination skin.

Cleansing Mask

Masks against acne at home inmost of them are prepared very quickly. A vivid example is the yeast mask. For it you will need a tablespoon of fresh yeast, as much yogurt and warm water and a teaspoon of soda. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. On the face mask is applied for 20 minutes. After you wash yourself, you need to apply a moisturizer.

All masks are applied only to clean skin.It is best to use a scrub first. You will prepare the skin for subsequent procedures. In order for useful substances to penetrate deep into the skin, it can be steamed. For this, there are special recipes for the baths.

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