/ / Apricot oil. Applications and recipes

Apricot oil. Applications and recipes

Apricot oil is obtained from the bones of fruitsof the same name by cold pressing. It is widely used in cosmetology and dermatology. Apricot oil is an excellent base for moisturizing and nourishing skin products. It is easily distributed and well absorbed. If you have thin and sensitive skin, dry dermatitis and flabbiness, then pay attention to apricot oil.

apricot oil

Application and Action

There are many different recipes foruse of this product. In the composition of apricot oil, the mass of trace elements and vitamins. That is why it is recommended to use it to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. It is odorless and has a low viscosity. Use oil and as an independent tool, and for the preparation of masks, gels and creams. It fits perfectly with wheat germ oil, avocado and jojoba. They are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the body, face and hands. Daily care with such a tool will tones and rejuvenates the skin, and also improves the complexion. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also known. A large amount of vitamin F in its composition makes apricot oil, the use of which is recommended for problem skin, a remedy for acne and acne. It promotes regeneration of skin cells and normalization of the sebaceous glands.

apricot oil price
Use it for massage in combination withmeasures against cellulite. Apply to the skin of infants during rashes and inflammation, as well as to prevent colds. Apricot oil, the price of which is small, will smooth fine wrinkles, restore the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, prone to wilting. Combining it with other components makes it an excellent means for daily care.

Apricot oil: application and recipes

Remedy for problem skin, composition:

• a tablespoon of apricot kernel oil;

• essential oils of lemon and tea tree on 2 drops.

The mixture is applied to the entire surface of the skin or applicatively to areas of inflammation.

Moisturizing mask:

• a tablespoon of apricot kernel oil;

• a tablespoon of peach or almond oil;

• essential oils of sandalwood and lavender 2 drops each

Apply to damp skin, every time after taking a shower or bath.

apricot oil application
As a caring agent for eyelashesuse apricot oil, the use of which in its pure form will save eyelashes from drying out and will promote their growth and beautiful appearance. Apply after cleansing the eyes of makeup as a night nourishing product. If you carry well the products of beekeeping, then to eliminate the flaking of the skin, mix a tablespoon of apricot kernel oil and a teaspoon of honey. Apply the product and leave for 10 minutes, then massage and rinse. To relieve the pain in the back and joints, you need to rub these places with a mixture of essential oil of sandalwood (2 drops) and apricot oil (tablespoon).

Accessibility, ease of use and excellent results after using a natural remedy are all that is necessary for beauty, health and youth.

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