/ Problems with dry hair. What to expect?

Problems of dry hair. What to expect?

The so-called "dry type" of hair is easy enough to determine even with a cursory examination - dry hair looks lifeless, dull, lacking in volume, often have split ends and extremely brittle.

Causes of Dry Hair

  1. Most often, dry hair says that their owner has a complex problems with scalp, caused, first of all, by scant workings of fat with sebaceous glands.
  2. Wrong, not balanced food, frequent low-calorie diets, hypovitaminosis,weakened immunity, general health problems, specific or chronic diseases (eg, hormonal disorders in the body, various anemia, thyroid disease or other internal organs).
  3. As a result, chronic stress, overwork, lack of sleep, with diseases of the nervous system, with regular mental and heavy physical exertion.
  4. Improper care. Regular use of hair care products that are not suitable for your type can trigger the occurrence of dryness.
  5. The condition of the hair reflects and bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, energy drinks, as well as consuming coffee in large quantities - all this provokes dryness, brittle and dull hair.
  6. Sometimes hair dry with age, when the body loses its ability to provide optimal nutrition to the curls. Especially noticeable, these changes become after reaching 40-45 years of age.
  7. The cause may be external factors: appearance on frost without a hat, dry air in the premises, frequent stays in the heat, chlorine in the swimming pools, etc.
  8. Well, finally, regular staining, perm or frequent useelectric appliances intended for hair care (hair dryers, curling irons, pliers, ironing, thermobioguies, etc.) - can also contribute to the deterioration of the condition of the hairline. So, both paint and electrical appliances disrupt the structure of the hair, help to reduce the natural moisture.

In any case, according to experts,congenital causes of increased dryness of hair are extremely rare. And this means that dry hair is not a disease in itself, but only reflects the state of the body, is the result of improper care or negligence in relation to one's own health or hair in particular.

Consequences of dryness

Very often dry hair provokesoccurrence of such collateral problems, as loss, dandruff, split ends. Dry hair is combed with difficulty, quickly tangled with each other, tearing at combing.

From all these difficulties you can get rid of without much difficulty, in the case when it is possible to find out and eliminate the cause.

Features of care

In order to achieve healthy hair and skinof course, it is necessary to find out the cause of dryness and, if possible, eliminate it. This means that if it is not a case of diseases requiring complex treatment, then it is necessary for some time to abandon hair dyeing or use dyes of natural origin, from the use of electrical equipment, from an incorrect lifestyle, to eliminate the cause of stress and fatigue, etc. And forever abandon bad habits.

With the elimination of dry hair work greatdifferent masks. Indeed, their vast array and all of them, of course, nourish and moisturize the scalp. Effective options for masks for dry hair can be found on the site Just-Hair.ru (https://just-hair.ru/effektivnye-professionalnye-i-domashnie-maski-dlya-suhih-volos/).

When using cosmetics, shoulduse only cosmetics suitable for hair type, use nutrients and moisturizers, make firming masks and regularly visit the hairdresser to remove split ends.

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