The modern beauty industry offers a widea choice of the most various means for struggle against aging of a skin, beginning from cosmetic preparations and finishing plastic surgery. Despite the large number of already proven proven methods of rejuvenation, the development of innovative technologies in this area is continuing. As a result of such scientific research, new products are emerging to combat aging. In this article we will talk about such a tool, recently appeared on the shelves of specialized stores, like "Hyaluron-gel." About what it is, what the mechanism of action of this drug, its cost, as well as opinions of experts and consumer feedback, read in this material.
Who is recommended to use this drug?"Hyaluron-gel" is an anti-aging remedy, which means it is intended for people over 30 years of age. The appearance of pronounced wrinkles, a change in the face oval due to decreased skin elasticity, increased pigmentation - these are the main indications for the use of such medicinal cosmetics.
The gel will help to cope with the following aesthetic disadvantages:
Is it effective in dealing with the above?problems with gel "Hyaluron"? Consumer testimonials indicate that after the first application of such a remedy, the complexion improves noticeably. And after a week of regular use of the drug, the amount of fine wrinkles is significantly reduced.
The gel-activator "Hyaluron" has a unique composition. So, this preparation contains such components, promoting skin rejuvenation, as:
Let's consider in detail the action of each described component of the gel.
Hyaluronic acid is a substance thatis produced in the human body to moisturize and protect the skin. But with age, regenerative processes slow down. Studies have shown that after 30 years, the volume of natural hyaluronic acid in the body is significantly reduced. Therefore, the skin becomes less protected, which leads to its dryness, peeling, the appearance of areas of inflammation and pigmentation. It will help to remove such defects "Hyaluron-gel-activator". The reviews claim that this drug moisturizes the skin, helping to improve its condition.
Collagen is also produced by the body itself.But after 30 years, additional nutrition of the skin with this substance is required. What is collagen used for? He is responsible for the elasticity, elasticity of the skin. The lack in the body of this substance leads to a "sagging" oval face.
Amaranth oil itself isA unique rejuvenating agent, which includes a rare compound called squalene. It, in turn, has a pronounced antioxidant property and is an activator of the natural production of collagen in the body.
Specially selected for the mature skin, the vitamin complex, which is part of the gel, actively saturates the covers with the necessary beneficial substances.
What are the advantages of the gel "Gialuron"? The reviews indicate the following advantages of this drug in comparison with analogues:
How to use "Hyaluron-gel"?This product is intended for external use only. The manufacturer recommends applying a small amount of funds to the problem areas of the skin (the area around the eyes, between the eyebrows, the forehead, nasolabial folds, neck and decollete zone) before going to bed. The drug should be easily injected into the skin with your fingertips, guided by massage lines.
"Hyaluron-gel" should be applied by the course. Depending on the skin condition, the drug should be used regularly for 15 to 30 days.
Like any other skin care product,"Hyaluron" (cream-gel) can cause allergy, this indicates individual intolerance of the components. Therefore, before you start using this tool, you should consult a specialist. It will help to identify the individual sensitivity to the components of the drug simple test: before using the gel-activator, apply a small amount on the wrist, wait 5-15 minutes. If the skin in this area is red, there is an itch or rashes, make-up can not be used.
Professional cosmetologists recommend"Hyaluron-gel" as a powerful moisturizer. The components of the drug really help to eliminate the problem of dryness, peeling of the skin. Experts advise using this preparation solely according to the instructions - frequent application of the gel can not only not bring the desired effect, but also harm the health, in particular, cause an allergic reaction in the form of rashes, itching or redness of the skin. According to specialists, the use of the activator gel in parallel with the hyaluronic acid-based serum will improve the results and speed up the rejuvenation process.
How much does this anti-aginga miracle remedy, like the gel-activator "Hyaluron"? The average price of this drug is 1000 rubles. There are also cheaper analogs, but the quality and effectiveness of such funds is much lower.
The innovative care product in questionskin has not yet gained popularity in the domestic market. Therefore, it is difficult to judge the objectivity of reviews about this drug. Nevertheless, most consumers note the effectiveness of such a product of the beauty industry, as "Hyaluron: a gel activator." The reviews state that the result of this drug is noticeable after its first application: skin color improves, fine wrinkles become less noticeable, pigmentation decreases, the face oval is tightened.
In the photo below, the result of using the activator gel is clearly visible.
Manufacturers of cosmetics producea lot of skin care products based on hyaluronic acid. Consider a popular domestic analogue of the activator - gel "Hyaluron ZD". Reviews about this tool are ambiguous. So, many simply do not trust the product worth 50-70 rubles. What are the components of such an affordable product? The gel is made on the basis of the following substances:
Estimating the composition of the drug, we can conclude thatnot only ineffective, but also dangerous to health gel "Hyaluron ZD." Feedback confirm this assumption. So, consumers describe cases of development of allergic reactions after application of this tool.
Therefore, before you buy a cheap analogue of a certified product such as "Hyaluron Gel", you should carefully read the composition of the product and consumer reviews about it.
Having evaluated the benefits of the drug, they decidedpurchase? You can buy "Hyaluron-gel" in a pharmacy or a specialized store, as well as on the official website of the manufacturer. The cost of the facility in different outlets is approximately the same. In addition, by purchasing this product at pharmacies or shops, you can get a free consultation with a specialist about the use of the activator gel.
The drug "Hyaluron-gel" is clinicallyinvestigated means of conservative rejuvenation, which has a certificate of quality and recommendations of specialists. Nevertheless, before buying and using the activator, it is recommended to consult with a professional dermatologist about the feasibility and safety of its application in a particular case.