/ / Firming hair masks will make your hair irresistible.

Strengthening hair masks will make your hair irresistible.

Health, density and, of course, the beauty of hair,directly depend on how well they are cared for. Shampoos, balms, conditioners - this is not all the means that lovely ladies use to give a magnificent look to their hair. But the best means for hair care has always been and continue to strengthen hair masks, giving them additional nutrition and moisturizing.

Modern salons and hairdressers offera huge range of services to restore and improve the appearance of hair. But masks for strengthening hair at home, prepared from available natural ingredients, are not inferior to salon procedures in their effectiveness. And they are much cheaper, and you can do them when your heart desires.

When choosing a mask, it is important to consider the individual characteristics, structure and type of hair.

Fat-tapered hair in need of yolkand bread masks. It is also very useful to make firming hair masks using honey, cognac or mustard. For dry, split or brittle hair, moisturizing masks with vegetable oils are suitable. Onions are irreplaceable in the composition of masks for weakened, damaged hair. Normal hair is strengthened with kefir masks with the addition of fruits or vegetables. Kefir creates a protective film on the hair, which protects the cuticle from various damages.

To achieve maximum effect, strengthening hair masks must be able to correctly apply. Here are some tips you might find useful:

- When making a mask, you must strictly adhere to the recipe;

- Apply the resulting composition should be 1 hour before washing your head;

- the mask is first rubbed into the roots of the hair with massage movements, and the remaining composition is evenly distributed over the entire length;

- to strengthen the effect, you can warm the head with a towel, a handkerchief or polyethylene;

- Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo;

- to fix the result, you can rinse the hair with a decoction of sage, chamomile or nettle, and also water with lemon juice.

- Masks are done 2-3 times a week, until the desired result is achieved.

Firming hair masks are easy to prepare by yourself.

The most common and uncomplicated wayStrengthening of hair is rubbing into the scalp of burdock oil. It's very simple and not expensive. But the effect of the mask is striking. Hair becomes shiny and alive. In addition, burdock oil perfectly nourishes the scalp. And not only improves hair growth processes, but can also be used to combat dandruff.

Another popular strengthening hair maskis made from onion peel. For its preparation, the main ingredient is poured with boiling water, based on the proportions: three full tablespoons of husk per half liter of water. To get an amazing effect, you just need to wash your head with a cold infusion once a week. The only drawback of this fortifying agent is the presence of an unpleasant odor that comes from the hair about one day after washing.

The mask that gives hair shine is madefrom the decoction of parsley. It is necessary to take two tablespoons of the product and mix them with two glasses of water. Broth boil for 15 minutes, strain, let it brew and cool. Rinse your head after washing, and after several procedures you will see how beautiful your hair has become.

The mask of aloe strengthens and strengthens hair growth.Egg yolk and a slice of garlic grind, adding a spoonful of aloe and lemon juice. The resulting composition is applied to the hair and covered with a towel for half an hour. Then rinse with normal water and rinse with a decoction of chamomile.

Look after your hair and they will always be your pride!

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