/ / Folk remedies for hair strengthening

Folk remedies for hair strengthening

With the problem of alopecia, or hair loss,most of us are facing. Causes of falling out can be very different - from intensive therapy with medication, to banal spring avitaminosis. Help to cope with intensive loss will help strengthen the roots of hair with the help of various folk remedies.

Despite the fact that modern cosmetologythe industry offers a considerable assortment of products to combat the manifestations of alopecia, many prefer hair enhancement products, the effect of which has been verified by time. The most popular of them are various masks, which include three types of components:

  • Irritant components.These include cognac, vodka, tincture of capsicum or dimexide. All of them are designed to strengthen blood circulation in the scalp, increasing the flow of useful components to the roots and awakening to life the so-called "sleeping" follicles.
  • Nutrient components.The main ones are natural oils, known since ancient times as effective means for strengthening hair. The main ones are burdock, castor, olive, Moroccan, almond and peach. They have the ability to penetrate the structure of the hair, thereby nourishing it and providing healthy shine and elasticity to the curls. Simultaneously, these components penetrate the hair follicle, strengthening the roots and preventing hair loss.
  • Moisturizing ingredients.Their action is aimed at restoring the damaged hair to its previous level of moisture. These, in the first place, include egg yolk, yogurt, glycerin, fresh juice of vegetables and fruits, infusion of burdock root.

Strengthening of hair folk remediesinvolves the creation and use of masks, combining all three types of components. To do this, you can use already prepared recipes or pick up what you need, taking into account the specifics of the type of hair and the degree of intensity of their loss. If you create the formulas yourself, you should take into account that the irritants should be included in the mask in a ratio of no more than 1: 5. Otherwise, you can get a chemical burn of the scalp.

Beginning to use folk remedies forstrengthening of hair, it should be remembered that the main thing here is regularity, systematic and integrated approach. Do not wait for impressive results after the first two or three procedures. The minimum course of treatment in this case is at least three months. Use the mask should be before washing your head and keep them on your hair under the cover for at least an hour.

In parallel with the use of folk remediesit will be advisable to start using a vitamin complex that will help to provide the hair with everything you need from within, and also to balance your diet by eliminating alcohol, fatty and salty foods.

Means for strengthening hair: basic recipes

  • Mix one tablespoon of dimexide,burdock, castor and peach oils, as well as oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Add one egg yolk and five drops of essential oils of lavender and fir into the resulting mixture. Keep on the head for at least one and a half hours.
  • Mix the yolk with the pulp of half a banana and a tablespoon of cognac. Apply to the roots of hair, wash it off after an hour.
  • In equal proportions, mix the tincture of redpeppers, balm or hair mask and castor oil. Add the yolk to the mixture and carefully grind with a blender. Keep on the hair for an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo.
  • Lightly heat the curdled milk (to body temperature) and apply it to the roots of the hair. Wrap your head with a towel. After half an hour rinse with plenty of hot water.
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