/ What is the use of collagen for hair and how to apply it?

What is the use of collagen for hair and how to apply it?

Modern cosmetology does not cease to amazeordinary consumers. Just look at the compositions of popular means. In addition to plant extracts and chemicals, we are offered various natural supplements today. At the same time, new improved formulas and some very unusual substances appear regularly. Not so long ago in advertising and the media there was information that collagen for hair is incredibly useful.

The newest development or natural substance?

Collagen for Hair
Collagen is a fibrillar protein produced byhuman body by natural means. A large number of it is part of the connective tissue, but it is present in cells of other types. Scientists have proved that this protein is responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin. Already for a long time collagen is used in the creation of cosmetics for the body and face. But not so long ago, many manufacturers of cosmetics thought about the use of this substance for hair. Today, a variety of products enriched with this component can be found on sale. However, many of them can actually prove to be effective in the application.

Effect of collagen on hair

Collagen capsules
Even today you can buy shampoo with collagen, butthat curiously its effect on the hair has not yet been studied to the end. Many experts and philistines believe that this substance in the application has an exclusively cosmetic effect. Collagen "smoothes" and glues damaged hair scales, so that visually the curls seem more silky and smooth. This process is described in their commercials by many manufacturers of collagen cosmetics. At the same time, there is no noticeable therapeutic effect. It is not difficult to explain this from a scientific point of view. A significant part of our hair is dead cells. If collagen is introduced into the skin, there is a possibility of its natural rejuvenation, since the substance in the described case falls into living tissues. Collagen for hair is just a cosmetic product, since even it can not revive again dead particles and damaged cells. In fact, in order to have perfectly healthy hair, you only need to regularly look after them according to all the rules.

Types of drugs and forms of release

Hair mask with collagen
Before deciding how to use collagen forhair, try to figure out how it happens. In modern cosmetic products, collagen of three types is used: vegetable, animal and marine. Accordingly, to obtain the first processed wheat protein (the finished product does not cause allergies and is used in premium products). Animal collagen is produced from skins of cattle, it is believed that it can be dangerous, so its use is limited. The preparation of marine origin is extracted from the skin of mollusks and some fish species, it is considered safe and especially effective. On sale today you can find collagen capsules for ingestion (various dietary supplements), in ampoules - for self-enrichment of existing cosmetics and injections, as well as in the finished cosmetics - shampoos, masks, creams and lotions for face and body. Collagen for hair can be obtained and independently at home, using folk recipes. For example, masks with gelatin are effective precisely because of the presence of this substance in it.

How to improve the condition of hair using collagen?

Shampoo with collagen
Virtually any drug or drug allowsenjoy the maximum effect only with regular use or course treatment. Not an exception and collagen. Try to determine the severity of the existing problem and find the suitable and most convenient for you personally in the use of funds. If you choose ready-made makeup of factory production, it makes sense to purchase immediately the entire series and use the products in the complex. Collagen capsules are suitable for the enrichment of any ready-made shampoos or balms. You can also add it to 1-2 drops in homemade masks. Attention: the most effective collagen for hair in the case, if used in preparations of non-consuming flushing. In the composition of such masks, he is best absorbed, enveloping every hair. Immediately after the procedure, the locks look healthier and stronger. Similar effect has any hair mask with collagen, try to cook at home or buy a similar product and evaluate the effect personally!

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