/ / Summer manicure: palm trees and sea

Summer manicure: palm trees and sea

How beautiful is the tropical landscape at sunset -the sky shimmering with all colors, the bright sun at the horizon and the dark palm trees. This picture can be repeated on the nails, and it's easy to do. First, a gradient manicure is done. Palms are drawn over this background. After all the work is fixed with a top. You can carry out this design in varnish technology, and with the help of gel. The article will consider a variant with gel-lacquers.

Where to begin?

We always start with a hygienic manicure, thenthe coating lays down beautifully and durably. Then choose the color gamut. Technique ombre allows you to attract many shades, so that our background will be picturesque. Usually, three colors are used: light, dark and intermediate. But for a summer manicure with palm trees you can and more.

Shade options for background creation:

  1. Red + pink + purple.
  2. Turquoise + lilac + pink.
  3. Pink + orange + yellow.
  4. Blue + blue + turquoise.
  5. Orange + pink + lilac.
  6. Bleached yellow + pink.

palm manicure

Some shades can be mixed on the palette of the primary colors. So the following tones are obtained:

  • Blue + white = blue.
  • Blue + yellow = turquoise.
  • Red + yellow = orange.
  • Red + white + blue = pink.
  • Pink + blue = lilac.
  • Red + white + yellow = itself.

What you need to prepare:

  1. Several bottles of colored varnish and one black.
  2. Sponge with small pores. It will be applied to the varnish.
  3. Thin brush.
  4. Palette. It can be replaced by a small glass.
  5. Alcohol.

Make a background for manicure with palm trees

First of all, the nails are painted in the main color of the background. This is the brightest of all in the palette. Then the dispersion layer is removed and a gradient is applied with a sponge.

For this purpose, a color series is laid out in advance,who will be present at the ombre. On the palette, droplets of gels are applied, the necessary tones are blended and carefully applied to the sponge with a brush. It will look like a striped mat.

Then the sponge gently presses against the nail.This can be done more than once, the gel will not solidify without a lamp. When the result satisfies, you can send your finger into the lamp to dry. Only after all the marigolds are prepared can we do our manicure with palms. The photo shows the process in detail.

manicure with palm trees Photo

How is the ombre made?

Memo how to make a gradient. Sequencing.

  1. Manicure is done.
  2. The lightest tone from the gradient is applied.
  3. On the palette, several tones are applied in the sequence that will be present on the nail.
  4. The boundary is blurred.
  5. Gel is put on the sponge.
  6. It is printed on the nail.
  7. The sponge moves slightly higher and is imprinted again.
  8. The sponge moves slightly lower and is imprinted again.
  9. Brushes soaked in alcohol, rubbed rollers.
  10. The gel is polymerized.

Now you need to add a cloud and gulls. The cloud can be yellow-white or pink-yellow. The main thing is that it is not bright and does not merge with the background.

Drawing a Palm

With a fine brush, paint the corner of the nail with a dark beige. This is a piece of shore. Palma can not grow in the sea. Too much to go to the nail is not necessary, it is enough just to designate a corner of the land.

Black gel draw a barrel, four branches andpolymerize in a lamp. And so with each finger. After we draw leaves on the branches. Each stroke begins almost from the point where the bar splits. If you just draw everything, the gel will spread and it will be ugly. Thin lines immediately need to polymerize.

summer manicure with palm trees

When the palms are ready, you can paint a glare along the trunk with white gel and add a couple of highlights to the foliage. To polymerize and cover with top.

French manicure

The palm on the nails can be painted on the jacket.In this case, the tone of a smile will serve as a sea. To do this, first the modeling or coating is done with gel-varnish, and then only those nails with no design will be covered with top. The rest are rubbed with alcohol to remove the dispersion. A cloud, gulls and an island are drawn on all the nails and polymerizes. Then palms are drawn or pasted.

palm nail polish on nails

In the photo, a manicure with palm trees, which is made onmodeled nails. The pink smile is very successful imitating the sea. Sequins give the impression of glare on the water. The yellow cloud and the silhouettes of the seagulls complete the picture. A smile could be made in blue, blue, red or purple. The main thing is not in white.

A way for the lazy

You can simplify this manicure. Palm trees can be glued on. On sale there are water stickers. And to make a background so:

  1. At the cuticle dye the nail with a blue gel and bring it to the middle of the nail.
  2. Put the brush almost vertically and push it to the free edge with a strong push. This achieves a minimum coating layer.
  3. Brush with a pale blue gel (you canpre-dilute it with white on the palette) put in the middle of the nail, slightly move to the cuticle and, without lifting the brush from the nail, bring to the free edge. First on one side of the nail, then on the other. In the middle of the nail, gels form a fuzzy border.
  4. Place a finger in the lamp to dry and repeat the process with the following. So do all ten nails.

Now you need to remove the dispersion layer with alcohol and paste the palms. When the stickers dry, cover the work with top.

Try it, and you will succeed!

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