/ / Pink clay in cosmetology

Pink clay in cosmetology

Clay for cosmetic purposes is already usedseveral millennia, almost from the same time, when it began to mold the dishes. Presumably, everything started with the fact that people noticed: the fruits falling into the clay, retain their freshness for a long time. Then someone tried to put it on his hands, and later on his face. The result did not take long to wait, the first effect from its use appears after the first application. Since then, mankind has been constantly experimenting with the application of its various kinds.

In nature, pink clay does not exist.The bulk of rocks has a gray tint. The rest are painted in the following colors: brown, white, red, blue, green, yellow, black, purple. Pink clay is obtained after mixing the red and white in various proportions. Thus, it combines the properties of both of its constituents.

Pink clay is a soft and gentle remedyskin care, hair and nails. It does not cause allergies and is suitable for the care of thin and sensitive skin. They use it to care for the whole body and it has the best effect on every site.

In our time, when the fashion forall natural, clay, as a natural remedy, is very popular. Moreover, it is also effective. In the composition of pink clay comes in large quantities of potassium. In addition, there are other macro- and microelements in it, for example, calcium, iron, silicon, magnesium, zinc, aluminum. All this provides such an amazing effect on the skin, nails and hair.

Pink clay is famous for its whiteningabilities, it brightens the skin for 1-2 tones, removes excessive pigmentation. In addition, it strengthens the nails and hair. It has pink clay and a disinfectant effect, which makes it possible to effectively use it on inflamed and irritated skin.

Pink clay for face:

This clay perfectly removes pollution from the skin,absorbs toxins and decomposition products, removes dead cells. In addition, it saturates the cells of oxygen, narrows the pores. That's why pink clay is recommended for use in oily skin.

Another very attractive featurepink clay is that it smooths the unevenness of the skin and gives it firmness. In addition, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Again, the clay soothes the skin and reduces allergic reactions.

Pink clay for hands and feet:

Clay helps soften hardened areasskin, for example, on the heels or elbows, helps to accelerate the healing of small wounds. In addition, the baths of pink clay help to strengthen the nails, they prevent their fragility and delamination.

Pink clay for hair:

Masks made of pink clay are suitable for damaged,naughty, dry and normal hair. They are very effective against brittleness, enrich hair with all necessary substances, restore their vitality.

Pink clay for the body:

In this case, the effect of pink clay is analogous toits effects on the face: helps to remove inflammation on the skin and accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks. In addition, this product removes toxins from the body, and metabolism normalizes. And baths with its use are able to cheer the whole body, help to cope with fatigue and improve blood circulation.

In general, pink clay is used in the form of masks:its powder is diluted with water in a proportion of one to one. Then this compound is applied to the skin, the mask is left on the face for 15 minutes, after which everything is washed off with warm water. Some women use the same clay repeatedly. However, it is not recommended to do this, since dirt and bacteria get into it from the face, which are actively developing before the next application.

Be sure to try such a wonderful tool for preserving youth and beauty.

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