/ / Corrector "Estel": information about the product, range, use

Corrector "Estelle": information about the product, range, use

Corrector "Estelle", like similar productsother manufacturers, designed to change the color saturation of hair dyes. You can not do without it when you want to get rid of an unwanted shade. This tool is very popular among fans of creating unusual and complex shades. Correctors (mixtons) are used only in combination with paints, they are not used alone.

About the product


Corrector for hair of the brand "Estelle" likemany hairdressers, because thanks to him, they are excellent at the task of creating the required shade. Impressive is the range of colors offered by the manufacturer. Another advantage is the affordable price of the products.

ESSEX Correct Line

In this series, color and colorless proof-readers are presented.

  • Ammonia colored mixtons. The purpose of applying them is to strengthenthe intensity of the color of the paint on the hair, they remove the unnecessary yellowness, green tint, red and others. The corrector "Estelle" should be mixed with the paint in equal proportions, applied to dry hair and left for 35 minutes, after which the mixture must be washed off with warm water. If the mixton is used as an independent coloring material, the selected tone is mixed with an oxidizing agent (3%) in equal proportions. This color can be produced on pre-clarified hair.
  • 2.0 / 00N is a neutral colorless cream.It is used when you want to create an intermediate shade. If it is necessary to ameliorate melted hair, then a mixture of a neutral corrector with a color one is used. It is often used to work with discolored strands.
  • 1.0 / 00A is an ammonium colorless corrector, which is indispensable for lightening hair. It is used together with an oxygen percentage of the desired percentage, mixing in equal amounts.

proofreader estel reviews

Additional Features

There is another interesting applicationsuch a tool as the proofreader Estel. Comments of the girls note that it can be used as a means for laminating hair. To do this, 0 / 00N is used, which has the consistency of the cream. It does not contain ammonia and pigment, but there are useful nutrients, vitamins and silicone. And the main function is to close the scales, which makes the hair less susceptible to external stimuli and reduces their fragility. In order to make the mixture, it is necessary to mix the corrector "Estelle" and oxigen 1.5% in equal proportions, add the ampoule of the chromoenergetic complex of the same manufacturer. After all the ingredients have been thoroughly mixed, the mass is applied to the entire hair and is aged for 35 minutes, after which it is washed off. As a result, the hair becomes shiny, strong and healthy.

hair conditioner

Progress does not stand still, including in the worldhairdressing art. There are new coloring compounds, the techniques of staining change. It was to obtain the desired result and appeared corrector "Estelle". Many professionals like to work with this product because of consistently good results with quite democratic prices for products.

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