/ / Popular clothing brands in Russia

Popular clothing brands in Russia

Popular clothing brands have long ceased to behostages of one country. Now they can rightly be called international brands that have their branches in many countries of the world, including Russia. On its territory is a great many shops, the history of which was born on the other side of the world. Some of them we will consider in this article.

Cheap and angry

brands of clothes
Perhaps the most popular clothing brands in Russiaoffer products at low prices. This parameter now plays an important role, since in conditions of economy, buyers pay attention primarily to the price tag, and not to the quality of clothing. But some brands achieve an optimal balance, which causes a lot of excitement around their collection.

A good example of such a concept is the company H & M. Founded in the middle of the last century in Stockholm, it was able to achieve incredible successes around the world.

H & M offers a comprehensive package of goods,necessary for creating any image. It includes both basic things and special events. Along with them a wide range of accessories is presented: costume jewelery, hats, shoes, bags and much more. In large stores of the network you can see stands and with cosmetics; it is sold at a low price, but the quality of it is quite decent.

The average amount of a check in a store of this brand is 1000-2000 rubles; it includes the cost of an independent image and a minimum of accessories.

Youth spirit

brands of clothes in Russia
Despite its availability, H & M is consideredrather conservative network; there are classical things of neutral tones that do not always appeal to young people. For those who choose more sporting clothing options for saturated colors, the NewYorker store is suitable.

The name of clothing brands says a lot that does notis an exception here too. Reflecting the saturated reality of a resident of a large city, this brand took care not only of the affordable value of products, but also of its convenience and multifunctionality, which is especially important for energetic people in a metropolis. NewYorker has become truly a national brand: comfortable things complete with modest but stylish accessories allow you to create a full-fledged image in a small budget.

Best among budget options

name of clothing brands
In Russia, expensive clothing brandsThey lose their popularity because of the large number of competitors with more democratic prices. Among them, you can include the brand Terranova, which can be found in any major shopping center of the city. The main distinctive parameter of the brand can be called a wide range of goods, both in men's and women's categories. You can also pick the right thing for a teenager, since the Terranova range starts with the XXS model.

An additional advantage of the brand are large seasonal sales with discounts up to 80%, which can not afford all brands of clothing that work in this price range.

Fashion for children

photo brands clothing
Do not forget that a separate segment inRetail sales of clothes are occupied by shops for children. A good confirmation of this is the Russian brand Acoola, which offers goods for mods from 2 to 12 years. Above each new collection of the brand there is a group of professional designers who develop about 60 new models for boys and girls. The production uses natural compounds that do not cause allergies and are suitable for babies with sensitive skin.

Photo brands of children's clothing show that teenagers want to wear the same fashionable and comfortable things that adults do. This parameter Acoola also takes into account in the design of collections.

Стоит отметить, что в сезон подготовки к школе this brand develops a large number of strict models of the format of the school uniform that meet the latest fashion trends, which makes both children and parents happy.

Classics with fashionable shades

For people whose wardrobe is based on love forclassic suits, aged tones and strict cuts, BEFREE brand will do. For the first time it appeared in Russia in 2002 and offered its customers the goods of three European companies specializing in women's clothing. Later, the men's line appeared in the assortment of stores, which increased the number of satisfied customers.

BEFREE, like other European clothing brands,offers things for all occasions. The main feature of the brand is an affordable price, despite the fact that many collections were created and decorated by hand by the staff of young designers.

Domestic producers

expensive clothing brands
A separate mention are the brands of clothing,which are both designers and producers of their own products. These include the brand Concept Club, founded in 2005 in St. Petersburg. For several years, it has become a leader in its segment due to current concepts (hence the name) and the democratic cost of clothing, which is especially important in the conditions of Russia.

The assortment number really will please manybuyers. There is everything to create an image for every occasion: evening and cocktail dresses, business suits, blouses, trousers, as well as things for an active way of life - sports kits and shoes. In addition, the brand offers underwear and clothes for sleep. Each image is accompanied by unique accessories: belts, hats, bags, jewelry, which saves the buyer from finding additional items in other stores.

The uniqueness of the Concept Club lies in its own production, design and pricing policies, which helps to find the perfect balance between high quality products and an affordable price.

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