What is it necessary to use corsets for the back, and in which cases are they needed? Let's consider these issues in more detail.
Function of the vertebral-motor segments L 3 - L4 - L 5 - S 1 is to hold hands, head and trunk in a tilted and upright position. Therefore, they are the ones who get the most stress in their daily activities. For example, when we stand in line or we go for a long time on various matters, we wash ourselves, sit at the table or go in the car, cook in the kitchen, go in for sports, when in the summer season we work in the garden, etc.
With excessively heavy loads, they are given pain in the lumbar region. This can lead to chronic painful conditions, aseptic inflammation and, as a result, restriction of movement.
Being in an upright position with acute painit is necessary to immediately protect yourself from the loads on the intervertebral joint. And also when moving from a horizontal position to a vertical position, as it happens when you, for example, get up from bed. In addition, pain can increase the supercooling factor, so keep warm in the lumbar region.
As a result of numerousresearch, scientists have developed corsets for the back to maintain the thermal protection of the joints of the lumbar region. Already after the first tests when working with patients, their huge advantage was noticed.
In addition, there are so-calledorthopedic corsets for the back. They are recommended to people suffering from such diseases as osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, spondylosis, radiculitis. In addition, they are also appointed to patients who are in the rehabilitation period after the injuries received.
Another variety - corsets for posture,which serve to provide a rigid fixation in the curvature of the joints in the thoracic or lumbar spine. They also contribute to the removal of pain in the chest and muscle spasms. Such corsets, as a rule, are made of elastic materials that fit tightly to the body, taking the desired shape. They do not create discomfort, on the contrary, they are very practical and convenient for frequent use.
The lumbar region is subject to all possibleillnesses arising from loads. Especially often such problems occur in elderly people or engaged in heavy physical labor, as well as in athletes. Corsets for the back are excellent assistants in their lives.