Shoes "Salamander" - this is a unique sampletrue German quality. The brand has more than a century of history and is popular in many countries of the world. In this article, we'll figure out why the "Salamander" footwear reviews get extremely positive and grateful, we'll plunge into the history of the legendary brand, learn how to behave to the lucky owners of the cherished couple.
In 1885 in the small town of Kornwestheim, inGermany, a resourceful shoemaker named Jakob Siegle decided to open a shoe shop. The success of this enterprise was not rapid. The owner of the workshop had to have patience. And his works were rewarded. Six years after the opening, Max Levy was asked to partner with Jakob. They founded the company J. Sigle und Cie. And after 6 years they were the owners of a large factory, located in a four-story building. At the enterprise already then more than 100 people worked.
The world market fell before this legendary brand.Every year the company has been exploring new horizons. Shops "Salamander" opened in Hungary, France, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland, Russia, the UAE, etc. Success on the heels followed the brand, no matter what the situation on the market, whether the management company. And the changes occurred.
Shoes "Salamander" covers a huge consumer audience. This is due to the long dimension series.
Men's shoes are also pleased with the range in terms of this criterion. The company produces models with dimensions of 37.5-50.
Children's shoes are options from the 18th to the 40th size.
A wide size range is far from the only advantage when choosing. The brand also takes into account the various fullness of the legs and feet.
“Success needs care” - this sloganSalamander is difficult to challenge. It is very important not just to buy a pretty model that is suitable in all respects. Even the highest quality shoes will become worthless if you do not care for her. Fortunately, the brand produces a whole line of various tools that allow you to always keep your beloved couple clean and in perfect condition. All of these products received the Superbrand title several times from the British association Superbrands International in the Shoe Cosmetics category. So, let's see what tools you may need.
This is by no means all the means offered by the brand to customers of Salamander products. Caring for shoes with the help of special cosmetics will not cause any trouble and will bring the desired fruits.
Shoes "Salamander" can be attributed to the averageprice category. This contributes to the fact that it is so often bought all over the world. Especially good is the brand's products in the Russian climatic conditions. If you wish, you can definitely afford to buy one or two pairs of products from this well-known company. And you will not have to regret it. People who wear and love Salamander shoes, praise her, talking about durability, durability and excellent quality. In most reviews you can find information that almost all models are not deformed, do not get wet. The legs do not sweat, there is no unpleasant smell. As a rule, Salamander shoes can be worn for at least 3 seasons. A brand cosmetics only helps to maintain the perfect appearance and condition of each pair in your wardrobe. Brand "Salamander" can rightly be called one of the most reputable and recognizable in the shoe market.