"Children's World" - a trade mark of a chain of shops,engaged in the sale of goods for children. The stores are located throughout Russia and some cities of Kazakhstan. In total there are 103 cities in which there are shops "Children's World". Armavir is one of them.
The Detsky Mir holding company consists of several separate companies engaged in the sale of goods for children:
These organizations also own the brand "Children's World". This trademark has been known for more than 50 years. For this time he liked many customers.
The company has 225 stores (super- andhypermarkets). All outlets have a common policy in the field of marketing, finance and procurement. More than 100 cities are covered by this network. A short list of cities in which there are shops of the brand "Children's World": Armavir, Moscow, Smolensk, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Saransk, Samara, Orenburg, Ufa and many others.
The holding's revenue for 2013 amounted to almost 27.8 billion rubles.
In the shops of this trademark, parentswill be able to buy for their children all the necessary goods. Shops of this network will allow you to buy things, the quality of which is beyond doubt. And the price for them is affordable.
One of the places where you can buy goods forchildren of all ages - "Children's World" in Armavir. Its address is: Armavir, Michurin Street, house 2. It is located on the first floor of the shopping center "Elephant".
Here there are clothes, shoes, toys,electronics, sport goods. For the youngest, you can buy diapers, napkins, hygiene items, car seats, carriers, toys, food. This is just a small list of what can be found on the shelves of the store.
The store holds promotions topurchase is even more profitable. On some things the network sets discounts. All this is done for customers. More and more different actions are timed to the upcoming New Year holidays. In the "Children's World" you can buy gifts for kids of all ages.
"Children's World" (Armavir) is a good place to buy children's things. Everything is in its place. The goods are arranged neatly by categories, it is easy to find them. A large, clean and bright room.
Sellers are always polite and responsive, ready to help customers.
"Children's World" - a great place for shopping. It will please both parents and children.