/ / With what to wear a corset: features, rules and recommendations

What to wear with a corset: features, rules and recommendations

Corset - one of the most seductive elementswomen's wardrobe. And if this object is not yet in your closet, you should immediately correct this annoying omission. After all, this thing, especially if you know how to wear a corset, can make a female figure more attractive. Raised appetizing breasts, graceful waist and expressive rounded hips - is not that every woman dreams about?

corsets are different

Types of corsets

The corset is an item of women's clothing, in the form of a wideup to the chest of the belt, which tightly grips the trunk and forms a "hourglass" figure by means of stiff inserts and pulling lacing. This thing is often confused with a bustier - a combination of a corset and a bra. You can also find an external resemblance to body or grace. But unlike them, the corset can be worn not only as underwear, besides, the named clothes do not have such a powerful pulling effect.

There are several main types of corsets:

  1. Orthopedic.This is a huge section of special devices that are used in the period of postoperative rehabilitation, with injuries, heavy loads, etc. The doctor decides on the use and how much to wear the corset after the operation or to correct the posture.
  2. Element of clothing.

The latter, in turn, can be divided into the following types:

  • corset without a bodice, which is put on top of a dress, t-shirt or shirt;
  • in the form of a wide belt (20-25 cm), which practically does not draw, but emphasizes smooth female bends;
  • Corset as a pulling underwear;
  • in the form of beautiful underwear, intended for demonstration and seduction (such a thing is most often provided with stocking holders);
  • a corset with cups that lift the chest (there are models that are worn as part of the upper wardrobe and like underwear).

Now you only need to find out what to wear a corset to look feminine and seductive, but not to be like a girl with a reduced social responsibility.

corset orthopedic


But first let us dwell in more detail onorthopedic corsets. This is a special device, which, due to the fit and rigid inserts, unload the problem area of ​​the back. Orthopedic corsets are used to prevent and treat a variety of diseases. Depending on the functional purpose, among them there are:

  • Locking - to support the spine in a normal state;
  • unloading - can relieve the load from the problem area of ​​the back and reduce the pain syndrome;
  • Corrective - help get rid of deformities of the spine;
  • mixed - perform several functions at once.

By appointment, they divide the curative and preventive orthopedic corsets. But even the latter should appoint a doctor - orthopedist, rehabilitator, neurologist or other medical specialist.

People often ask about how much to wearCorset for posture, so that it becomes correct. Usually the course is 3-6 months. The orthopedic device is worn starting from 30 minutes. per day, gradually increasing to 3-5 hours. Almost all posture correctors are designed for passive wearing.

Before acquiring it, one should consult withdoctor, since not all fit the serial models of corsets. To fix some defects, special, custom-made ones are needed. And then, how much to wear a corset for the back, the specialist will decide.

corset for clothes

Tightening corset under the clothes

The tightening stomach and sides of the corset instantly impartsthe shape of an hourglass. Such a thing, even on a very pompous lady, will designate all the necessary bends-allocate the waist, pick up the sagging tummy and fat on the sides, and some models will also raise the chest. The pulling corsets are made of a thin material so that they are not visible under the clothes.

If you've never used such, then here's what you need to know when choosing:

  1. Never buy a corset only from the photo - this is the thing you need to measure.
  2. The material should be soft, pleasant to the body and elastic.
  3. Metal inserts should not bulge and rub the skin.
  4. If the product digs into the skin, then you need to take a larger size.
  5. A wide corset is always better than narrower shaped belts - the latter unevenly distribute extra centimeters.

Element of underwear

Corset as an erotic underwearlooks very exciting and intriguing. He on the one hand improves the figure, on the other - it closes it with several layers of armor (except for very frank styles). It is usually supplemented with panties and stockings. Such corsets, as a rule, are magnificently decorated - frills, ribbons, laces, rhinestones.

Lacing and fastening

combination of corset with jeans

Fasteners on corsets are of several types:

  • Busk is metal rivets on the bar. This fastener is most often in the front of the corset. It is quite tough, but it is reliable, and it can be buttoned independently.
  • Hooks - often hidden. They are usually located on their sides in several rows, directly on the fabric. You can fasten the corset itself, while it does not fetter movements
  • Lightning is the most unreliable clasp for a corset,since under pressure it can disperse. But it is very convenient and it is most often located on its side or in front of the product, so that zippers are easy to unbutton.
  • Lacing is a traditional fixation method in the form oflaces or satin ribbons. There is a single and double lacing. It can be located in any part of the product. But the most effective, giving the maximum lengthening effect, will be lacing on the back.
corset extended

How much can you wear?

Corset - this is not the thing to which quicklyyou get used to it. Initially, it is not comfortable to wear due to constant pressure. But at the same time you should not have painful feelings, which say that the style or size was not chosen well, or this element of the wardrobe is simply incorrectly buttoned.

How much can you wear a corset?Begin to get used to recommending from a couple of hours a day, gradually increasing this time. And do not first tighten too much - just 2-3 cm. After the body gets used to the corset, you can wear it every day for several hours, as necessary.

With what to wear a corset, which is used as one of the elements of outerwear

  1. A satin or silk corset fits well with a thin shirt, put under it and a tight skirt-pencil. This is a classic office style.
  2. A high model or style "under the chest" will look good with a straight cut dress.
  3. With what to wear a corset of velvet? Such a thing will look organically in classical ensembles, calm restrained colors, with a skirt or not a long jacket, to the middle of the thigh, a jacket.
  4. To create an evening and original image, you can put on a red corset with a black lace trim, combined with a monochrome black skirt and delicate gloves.
  5. A long dress from a monophonic chiffon looks amazingly complete with a corset, trimmed with pawns and rhinestones.
  6. With what to wear a monophonic corset? This thing looks great in combination with a fluffy skirt made of different materials and any colors.
  7. Stylish club image - corset and sexy tight leather trousers.
corset over clothes


  1. Не путайте корсет и корсаж.The top of the dress or the detail of the clothes, which does not tighten the waist, but gently surrounds the forms, is a corsage. Sometimes it even has several plastic bones that will not give the effect of correction, but will create the appearance of a rigid construction.
  2. With what to wear a corset, you will tell your ownsense of style. This item can be combined with dresses, trousers and skirts, you only need to observe the harmony in color and not to disfigure the figure with an incorrectly selected model.
  3. The corset itself is quite a catchy accessory. Therefore, you do not need to complement the image with too short skirts, stockings, boots and other defiant details.
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