/ / Sakharov Center in Moscow: address and photo

Sakharov Center in Moscow: address and photo

It's nice to realize that in the Russian Federationthere are organizations that are actively discussing public problems and are engaged in free education among the population. An example of this is the Sakharov Center in Moscow, which for almost twenty years openly talks about human rights and freedoms in the modern world.

A few words about Andrei Sakharov

The world knows him as the father of a hydrogen bomb andNobel laureate. He studied thermonuclear reactions and fought to ensure that atomic bombs are not experienced either on earth or in space. A. Sakharov repeatedly wrote about the danger of nuclear war and its possible consequences.

Sakharov Center in Moscow

And he never spoke, if the rights were violatedrights. For example, in 1980, without trial and investigation, he was exiled to Gorky. The reason for this was the harsh statements on the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan.

Andrei Sakharov worked in secret laboratories andwas excommunicated from them with the subsequent cancellation of all titles and prizes awarded for scientific achievements. The KGB repeatedly tried to destroy his archives, but, fortunately, he did not succeed.

Today, more than 100,000 pieces of documents are kept by the Sakharov Center. These papers were provided to the museum by Andrei's wife - E. Bonner. Everyone can freely come and read them.

"Peace, progress, human rights"

To understand what the Sakharov Center is doing inMoscow, you need to look at its first name. It was under this motto that Andrei Sakharov lived. When in 1989 he passed away, his wife Elena Bonner continued the case. Together with foreign investors, she organized a non-governmental foundation, which undertook to store and publish the materials of the scientist. In 1996, the museum and the public center "Peace, Progress and Human Rights" named after A. Sakharov was opened. Later it was renamed the Sakharov Center. But the focus of activity has not changed. His employees continue to conduct public activities.

В центре настолько много разнообразных видов events, which is completely incomprehensible, as with all this manage only 2.5 staff units. Despite this, already 15,000 units from the archive have been processed and systematized. Six days a week there is a museum. In the center there are exhibitions and discussions.

Museum exposition

As already mentioned, the Sakharov Center, the addresswhich every progressive person in the capital knows, is based and exists at the expense of investors and public organizations from the USA. It was with their support that we managed to create a permanent museum exposition that highlights the entire conscious life of A. Sakharov.

Sakharov Center

It was created and compiled by Eugene Ass. The main concept is the movement through the change of governments. Its direction is from darkness to light, from slavery to freedom.

Externally the hall with high walls is divided into 4corridor. Each of them is a separate epoch, experienced by A. Sakharov. They completely reflect the history of the USSR practically from its beginning to the time of its collapse.

In addition, the Sakharov Center in Moscow constantlyorganizes temporary art and public exhibitions. This is a free exhibition space, which gives an opportunity to everyone to express themselves and their views on public life.

Regular discussions and seminars

It is also known that the Sakharov Center in Moscow,whose address coincides with the old apartment of the scientist, constantly conducts discussions, seminars and public hearings. Themes are the most diverse, but the focus is one - improving the climate in society, declaring the right to legal activity. Also, the protection of nature and the purity of the information field is actively discussed. The issues of language and its right to development are discussed.

Of course, some topics do not like discussionsgovernment. For the discussion of the results of the election of the mayor of Moscow and the boycott of the Olympics in Sochi, inspections were sent to the Sakharov Center in Moscow, which saw signs of political activity in him, and hence a violation of the law.

Sakharov Center address

By decision of the court, the center must pay a hugepenalty for not introducing himself on a voluntary basis to an NGO as a foreign counterparty. The issue on this case has not been resolved, since the center has filed an appeal to the higher court.

Theatrical performances and film screenings

При центре уже не первый год работает театральная Studio. Here, performances are created and displayed, which correspond to the theme of the institution. Also read the plays and other works. At the end of such events, discussions and discussions take place, which deepen the awareness of the problem and the ways to solve it.

Sakharov Center in Moscow Address

You can also visit the outdoor film screening, whichConstantly holds the Sakharov Center in Moscow. Photos of such events can be seen in the center. They represent the members of the film club and its guests, who discuss films with their creators or people who have something to do with the film.

Of course, here you will not see the famous box office blockbusters. But attending one such session will give much more for personal development than eminent and advertised tapes.

Suggest a topic to read, play or film toviewing can anyone who has that right. The main thing is that the topics respond to the concept of the center's activities. Entrance to such events is completely free. Anyone can also watch the film and comment on it.

How to get there?

To the Sakharov Center, whose address is:Zemlyanoy Val Street, 57, Building 6, you can take the subway to the station "Chkalovskaya" or "Kurskaya" (ring). It is necessary to leave on the side opposite to the Kursk railway station. You need to go to the Poluyaroslavskaya embankment. A little away from the intersection of these streets, in the park, you will find a small white building, which is called the Sakharov Center.

Sakharov center in Moscow photo

His mode of operation is 6 days a week, except Monday. Visiting hours - from 11.00 to 19.00. Entry is completely free.

If you are interested in questions of public life andyou have a desire to discuss them with like-minded people, be sure to take a look at this center. At the very least, you will get acquainted with an interesting exposition about the life of a famous scientist.

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