/ / What is remarkable about the temples of Novosibirsk

What is remarkable about the temples of Novosibirsk

Those who first come to the banks of the Ob areIt is difficult to imagine that the city of Novosibirsk - the largest industrial, scientific and cultural center of Siberia - is just over a hundred years old. The city, of course, has its own unique architectural appearance. And the expressive Orthodox churches of Novosibirsk occupy a far from last place in its visual image. Even despite the fact that they can not boast of antiquity.

From the history of Novosibirsk

Some historians explain the emergence of thishistorical accident. The city of Novonikolaevsk gradually grew out of the working village, which was founded in the last decade of the nineteenth century. Then in it lived the builders of the bridge across the great Siberian river Ob - water obstacle for the Trans-Siberian railway being under construction. This road, connecting the central regions of the country with the Pacific coast, had a grandiose significance in Russian history. And one of the consequences of its erection was the city on the banks of the Ob River. The oldest temples of Novosibirsk are almost the same age as the city. Without an Orthodox church in the center of the city in Russia were not built. It has traditionally been the architectural dominant of any locality. With regret, it should be noted that not all the churches and churches of Novosibirsk, built at its foundation, have survived to this day. Much was destroyed in the thirties of the twentieth century.

temples of Novosibirsk

Cathedral in the name of Alexander Nevsky

Orthodox churches in Novosibirsk can be nicesurprise visitors with the expressiveness and non-triviality of architectural solutions. One of the most striking historical monuments is the red brick cathedral in the name of Alexander Nevsky in the historical center of the city. This majestic and powerful building, executed in neo-Byzantine style, was one of the first stone structures of Novonikolaevsk. Its construction was completed on the eve of the advent of the new century, in 1899. Just like other churches in Novosibirsk, the cathedral suffered significantly in the first half of the century. During the Soviet period of history, he was re-planned and used for other purposes. Even attempts were made to demolish it, but the Bolsheviks could not blow up the building. The cathedral lost only the bell tower. On the eve of a significant date - the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus, a powerful public campaign was launched in the city for the transfer of the historical monument of the Russian Orthodox Church. Which was implemented.

temples of Novosibirsk photo

Ascension Cathedral

One of the oldest temples of the city is alsothe Cathedral of the Ascension Cathedral. The date of its construction marks the eve of the First World War - 1913. The fate of the church is quite typical - in 1937 it was closed as part of the anti-religious policy conducted in the country. The building served as a warehouse and a granary. However, during the war the Bolsheviks were forced to change their attitude towards the Orthodox Church. In 1944 the Ascension Cathedral again received the parishioners. Since then, the services in the temple have not ceased. It functioned even during the cardinal restoration of the building that took place before the celebration of the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus.

temples and churches of Novosibirsk

Trinity Cathedral

One of the original business cards of the citybecame the golden-domed upper church of the Trinity Cathedral of Vladimir. Just like other temples of Novosibirsk, photo of which is decorated with historical monographs about the city, the Trinity Cathedral became a very bright visual image of the "capital of Siberia". And its construction was completed quite recently, in 2008. But in his appearance he combined the best traditions of Russian temple architecture in the style of classicism.

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