/ How many years does the parrot live at home?

How many years does the parrot live at home?

Parrots are, perhaps, the most cheerful, sonorous andbright birds, able to cheer up any person. It's not for nothing that they are the ones that give birth to many families with children. After all, feathered friends will be great interlocutors for babies, although they will "talk" in their own language. Before buying a bird many people want to know all the necessary information about its nutrition, maintenance, care. An important role is played by the question of how many years the parrot lives. Everyone wants the pet to be with them as long as possible.

how many years does the parrot live
All types of parrots in size are divided intosmall, medium and large. The smallest birds have the shortest life expectancy. They please their owners for about 10 to 15 years, but this under ideal conditions of detention. It is worth noting that in a natural habitat they live no longer than 8 years. Affects the lack of regular food and constant attacks of predators.

Попугаи средних размеров доживают до 50 – 60 лет.Longest are the great representatives of this species of birds. According to some reports, their life expectancy is 60 - 120 years. But at home it is very difficult to grow a long-liver, as it is impossible to provide the bird with a complete diet. In addition, she can get bored or get sick.

Cockatoo parrots
How old is the parrot?It totally depends on the species. The most common birds - wavy - live no more than 15 years. These funny little parrots are very chatty. The oldest "wave" lived up to 21 years. The corelles live a little longer, 15 to 18 years, they are very cheerful and bright, but it's very hard to tame them and teach them anything. To small birds should be attributed and inseparers, who received their name because of great affection for each other. They live 10 - 15 years. But if one bird perishes, then the second can die soon because of anguish.

How many years live a parrot of medium size?It also depends on the type and conditions of the content. For example, Jacques live up to 60 years, but there is information about a long-liver, who turned 93 years old. These birds have very high intelligence, so they need communication. Due to lack of attention, they can get sick or even engage in self-tattooing. Necklace parrots are very elegant, graceful. They are inquisitive, smart and unpretentious to the conditions of detention. They live about 20 to 30 years.

all kinds of parrots
Попугаи какаду - большие по размеру, но 100-year anniversary can not boast. Mostly they live up to 30 - 40 years. The oldest representative of this species died at the age of 69 years. The same can be said about macaws. No representative of this species celebrated its 50th anniversary. These parrots are very expensive, but well-trained. In our country they are rare.

In a word, how many years the parrot lives,completely depends on the conditions of its content. If the bird is provided with a convenient cage with all sorts of accessories that will help the feathered pet to have fun, and also to diversify its food, then it will live a long and happy life. Communication is also important. After all, parrots attach themselves to their masters and react painfully to the lack of attention on their part. Do not buy a bird at all, if there is no time to take care of it. Care, communication, a full diet, a comfortable cage - this is all that a feathered friend needs.

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