/ / Azerbaijan: flag and coat of arms of the country

Azerbaijan: flag and coat of arms of the country

Each country on the planet has its own distinctiveheraldic symbols. Azerbaijan has them too. The flag and the coat of arms of this country are symbols of the sovereignty of the state. Any outrage against them is punishable in accordance with the legislation of Azerbaijan.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of this country has the shape of a round shield.Its background is painted in national colors - blue, green and red. The shield shows a white eight-pointed star. In its center are the flames. The number of angles of the star is chosen not accidentally. In the word "Azerbaijan", written in Arabic alphabet, exactly eight letters.

the flag of Azerbaijan

The shield symbolizes the national defense tool inbattles and heroism of the population. Shades of red, blue and yellow colors embody the belonging of the Azerbaijani people to the Turkic civilization, the desire of the state for further development and Islam - the religion that most citizens profess.

Bottom on the right side of the emblem is a wheatspikelets, which symbolizes the fertility and wealth of the earth. In the left part there is an oak branch, it expresses the strength and strength of the country. Acorns on this branch symbolize the long life of this state.

The author of this coat of arms is Prince Shervatsidze.He became a state in 1920, when Azerbaijan was an independent republic. After the country joined the USSR, this coat of arms was replaced by another. In 1992, Azerbaijan became again an independent state and approved as its symbol the previous coat of arms.

flag of Azerbaijan

Flag of Azerbaijan: description

Each modern state has its ownflag. Has it and Azerbaijan. In 1992, the national symbol of this state was the flag of Azerbaijan, which is a rectangular panel with three horizontal stripes of different colors. The upper one is blue. This color symbolizes fame, honor, sincerity and loyalty. For the country, it is also the color of the ancient Khazar (the Caspian Sea).

The middle strip of the panel is red.This color of the flag of Azerbaijan symbolizes strength, love, courage and courage. It is also a memory of the struggle of the people, headed by Babek, against the invaders.

The lower band is green.Symbolizes freedom, joy, health and hope. In addition, this country is very fond of green color. It is present in the names of some of the country's lakes, and also symbolizes spring.

Azerbaijan flag and coat of arms


The flag of Azerbaijan consists not only of threestripes, in the middle of the panel a crescent is depicted. For many years, this symbol was literally etched out of the heraldry of this republic. This was explained by the fact that it is religious, and therefore alien to the Soviet ideological consciousness. The crescent is an ancient symbol widely distributed among Asian peoples. In times of paganism, these nationalities professed the cult of the moon. Subsequently, he began to symbolize Islam. The flag of Azerbaijan contains this sign, including because the majority of the population profess this Eastern religion.


To the right of the crescent there is an eight-pointedstar. In the Azerbaijani mythology she designated the star Sirius, who was considered the patroness of travelers. Some historians argue that the star originally had some mystical meaning, which was eventually lost.

the color of the flag of Azerbaijan

The modern flag of Azerbaijan does not personifynothing mystical and incomprehensible, does not contain any hidden meanings, masonic or other signs. The symbols of good, glory and national pride for their country are intertwined in it.

Что же касается восьмиконечной звезды, то она is also a symbol of ancient Azerbaijan. It was common in older ancient civilizations as well as in the ancient world. It can be seen in various architectural solutions and palace bas-reliefs, in royal seals and in state symbols.

The eight-pointed star in this or thatstylized form is often found on national Azerbaijani embroideries, carpets, jewelry and other objects of decorative and applied art, preserved since the beginning of this era. Being a cultural heritage, it eventually became a national symbol of the state, embodied on the flag and coat of arms of Azerbaijan.

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